Global Job Satisfaction scale


This measure, (Global Job Satisfaction scale) developed by Warr, Cook, and Wall (1979), uses 15 items to describe overall job satisfaction. The measure has two subscales assessing satisfaction with extrinsic (eight items) and intrinsic (seven items) aspects of a job.


Coefficient alpha values for the composite measure of overall job satisfac­tion ranged from .80 to .91 (Abraham & Hansson, 1996; Norman, Collins, Conner, Martin, & Rance, 1995). For satisfaction with intrinsic aspects of a job, alpha ranged from .84 to .88. For satisfaction with extrinsic job aspects, alpha was .76 (Cordery, Vevastos, Mueller, & Parker, 1993; Wright & Cordery, 1999).


In Winefield, Winefield, Tiggemann, and Goldney (1991), global job satis­ faction was used to separate subjects into satisfied employees and dissatis­fied employees. The two groups differed significantly in a variety of vari­ables describing psychological well-being. In Abraham and Hansson (1996), job satisfaction correlated negatively with both job-related tension and control problems. Job satisfaction correlated positively with job-related well-being, satisfaction with rate of pay, perceived job competence, and per­ceived job control (Norman et al., 1995; Wright & Cordery, 1999).


Cook, J. D., Hepworth, S. J., Wall, T. D., & Warr, P. B. (1981). The experience of work: A compendium of 249 measures and their use. London: Aca­ demic Press. Items were taken from pp. 33-34. Copyright© 1981 by Aca­ demic Press. Reproduced with permission.


Responses are obtained on a 7-point Likert-type scale where 1 = I’m extremely dissatisfied, 2 = I’m very dissatisfied, 3 = I’m moderately dissatis­fied, 4 =I’m not sure, 5 =I’m moderately satisfied, 6 =I’m very satisfied, and 7 = I’m extremely satisfied.

Items: (E) denotes extrinsic satisfaction subscale; (I) denotes intrinsic satisfaction subscale.

  1. The physical work conditions (I)
  2. The freedom to choose your own method of working (I)
  3. Your fellow workers (I)
  4. The recognition you get for good work (E)
  5. Your immediate boss (E)
  6. The amount of responsibility you are given (I)
  7. Your rate of pay (E)
  8. Your opportunity to use your abilities (I)
  9. Industrial relations between management and workers in your firm (E)
  10. Your chance of promotion (E)
  11. The way your firm is managed (E)
  12. The attention paid to suggestions you make (I)
  13. Your hours of work (E)
  14. The amount of variety in your job (I)
  15. Your job security (E)