Need for Relatedness Scale (NRS-10)

Need for Relatedness Scale (NRS-10)
Richer & Vallerand‚ 1996
In my relationships with my work colleagues‚ I feel …
1.    … supported.
2.    … close to them.
3.    … understood.
4.    … attached to them.
5.    … listened to.
6.    … bonded to them.
7.    … valued.     
8.    … close-knit.
9.    … safe.
10…. as a friend.
Acceptance and Intimacy
1= Do not agree at all‚ 2= Very Slightly agree‚ 3= Slightly agree‚ 4= Moderately Agree‚ 5= agree‚ 6= Strongly agree‚ 7=Very Strongly Agree
Acceptance: 1‚ 3‚ 5‚ 7‚ 9
Intimacy: 2‚ 4‚ 6‚ 8‚ 10
This instrument can be found at:

Richer‚ S.‚ & Vallerand‚ R.J. (1995). Construction et validation de l’Échelle du sentiment d’appartenance sociale en milieu de travail. Communication présentée lors du congrès annuel de la SQRP‚ Ottawa‚ ON‚ 27-29 octobre .

Richer‚ S.F.‚ & Vallerand‚ R.J. (1998). Construction et validation de l’Échelle du sentiment d’appartenance sociale. Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée‚ 48‚ 129-137.

Richer‚ S.F.‚ & Vallerand‚ R.J. (1998) Construction and validation of the perceived relatedness scale (ESAS). European Review of Applied Psychology‚ 48‚ 129–137.

Hollembeak‚ J.‚ & Amorose‚ A.J. (2005) Perceived coaching behaviours and college athletes‟ intrinsic motivation: a test of self-determination theory. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology‚ 17‚ 20-36.
