Job Involvement Scale

Lodahl, T., and Kejner, M. (1965). The definition and measurement of job involvement. Journal of Applied Psychology 49:24–33.

Comments: The 20-item Job Involvement Scale (JIS) measures job involvement, which is defined as “the degree to which a person’s work performance affects his self-esteem.” A six-item version consists of the following items: 3, 6, 8, 11, 15, and 18. The JIS is the most frequently cited instrument to measure job involvement. In addition, many instruments were based on their work.

Sample: The original samples consisted of 137 nursing personnel (head nurses, staff nurses, registered nurses, practical nurses, nurse aides, and orderlies), 70 engineers, and 46 graduate students studying business administration.

Reliability: Corrected split-half correlation coefficients were 0.72 for nurses, 0.80 for engineers, and 0.89 for graduate students.

Validity: Information about discriminant validity is provided. Four sets of data measured the relationship between job involvement and other variables.

Factor Analysis: Multiple factor analytic procedures were performed and a three-factor solution was accepted.

Data Analysis: Means and standard deviations are provided.


Chadha, N. K., and Kaur, R. (1987). Correlational study of demographic variables with job involvement and job satisfaction in a public sector organization. Perspectives in Psychological Researches 10:11–18.

Chusmir, L. H. (1986). Gender differences in variables affecting job commitment among working men and women. Journal of Social Psychology 126:87–94.

Chusmir, L. H., and Koberg, C. S. (1986). Creativity differences among managers. Jinvolvementournal of Vocational Behavior 29:240–53. Saal, F. E. (1978). Job : A multivariate approach. Journal of Applied Psychology 63:53–61.

Job Involvement Scale

1. I’ll stay overtime to finish a job, even if I’m not paid for it.
2. You can measure a person pretty well by how good a job he does.
3. The major satisfaction in my life comes from my job.
4. For me, mornings at work really fly by.
5. I usually show up for work a little early, to get things ready.
6. The most important things that happen to me involve my work.
7. Sometimes I lie awake at night thinking ahead to the next day’s work.
8. I’m really a perfectionist about my work.
9. I feel depressed when I fail at something connected with my job.
10. I have other activities more important than my work.
11. I live, eat, and breathe my job.
12. I would probably keep working even if I didn’t need the money.
13. Quite often I feel like staying home from work instead of coming in.
14. To me, my work is only a small part of who I am.
15. I am very much involved personally in my work.
16. I avoid taking on extra duties and responsibilities in my work.
17. I used to be more ambitious about my work than I am now.
18. Most things in life are more important than work.
19. I used to care more about my work, but now other things are more important to me.
20. Sometimes I’d like to kick myself for the mistakes I make in my work.

Scoring: Strongly Agree = 1; Agree = 2; Disagree = 3; and Strongly Disagree = 4. A high score represents low involvement.
