Commute Strain Scale


This measure, developed by Kluger (1998), assesses the degree to which employees are strained by the length and hassles of their commute to and from work. It taps both the employee’s cognitive evaluation of the commute to work and his or her affective reactions to the commute.


In Kluger (1998), coefficient alpha was .92.


Cognitive and affective commute strains correlated positively with com­ mute length and variability, tardiness, and somatic symptoms. Commute strain correlated negatively with alternatives for commuting and enjoyment of the commute to work (Kluger, 1998).


Kluger, A. N. (1998). Commute variability and strain. Journal of Organiza­ tional Behavior, 19, 147-165. Items were taken from text, p. 155. Copyright © 1998. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited. Responses are obtained on a 6-point Likert-type scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 6 = strongly agree.


Strain items:

  1. I resent the length of my commute.
  2. I resent the hassles my commute causes me.
  3. My commute affects my productivity on the job in the following ways: It takes work time out of my day.
  4. In general, how do you feel about your commute? (Responses to this item were obtained on a 7-point Likert-type scale where 1 = extremely negative and 7 = extremely positive, which was recalibrated to a 6-point scale for combination of this item with the others preceding it.)

I often fear for my personal safety during my commute due to:

  1. seeing accidents
  2. roads in disrepair
  3. driving near bad or drunk drivers
  4. bad weather
  5. having car trouble

My commute causes me to worry about:

  1. constantly being under time pressure
  2. stress
  3. accidents
  4. body aches/pains
  5. hostility, negative feelings
  6. being harmed or killed
  7. my mental health
  8. traffic violation ticket