Job-Family Role Strain Scale


This measure, (Job-Family Role Strain Scale) developed by Bohen and Viveros-Long (1981), describes the frequency with which respondents experience stress and strain related to combining work and parenting. The measure assesses multiple aspects of role strain including ambiguity about norms, lack of congruity between per­sonality and social roles, insufficiency of resources for role fulfillment, low rewards for role conformity, conflict between norms, and role overload.


Coefficient alpha values ranged from .88 to .91 (Duxbury & Higgins, 1991; Higgins, Duxbury, & Irving, 1992; Thomas & Ganster, 1995).


Duxbury and Higgins (1991) showed that work-family role strain was empirically distinct from work conflict, family conflict, work and family involvement, and work and family expectations. Work-family role strain correlated positively with work involvement, work expectations, depres­ sion, control at work, family expectations, and perceptions of family sup­ portive policies at work. Work-family role strain correlated negatively with quality of work life, quality of family life, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction (Duxbury & Higgins, 1991; Higgins et al., 1992; Thomas & Ganster, 1995).


Bohen, H., & Viveros-Long, A. (1981). Balancing jobs and family life. Phil­ adelphia: Temple University  Press. Items were taken from Appendix H, pp. 274, 278. Reprinted with permission.


Responses are obtained on a 5-point Likert-type scale where I = always, 2 = most of the time, 3 = some of the time, 4 = rarely, and 5 = never.

  1. My job keeps me away from my family too much
  2. I feel I have more to do than I can handle comfortably
  3. I have a good balance between my job and my family time
  4. I wish I had more time to do things for my family
  5. I feel physically drained when I get home from work
  6. I feel emotionally drained when I get home from work
  7. I feel I have to rush to get everything done each day
  8. My time off from work does not match other family members’ schedules well
  9. I feel I don’t have enough time for myself
  10. I worry that other people at work think my family interferes with my job
  11. I feel more respected than I would if I didn’t have a job
  12. I worry whether I should work less and spend more time with my children
  13. I am a better parent because I am not with my children all day
  14. I find enough time for the children
  15. I worry about how my kids are when I am working
  16. I have as much patience with my children as I would like
  17. I am comfortable with the arrangements for my children while I am working
  18. Making arrangements for my children while I work involves a lot of effort
  19. I worry that other people feel I should spend more time with my