Stressors and Injury for Construction Workers questionnaire


This questionnaire consists of 47 items that elicit information on the respondent’s job-task demands, organizational stressors that they may encounter, and their exposure to, or protection from, work-related stressors. It also collates information on psychological and physical symptoms, injuries, and near-miss incidents. It is founded on a stress-injury model and has been used to test whether work stressors could be related, either directly or indirectly through the mediating effects of physical or psychological symptoms/strain, to self-reported injuries or near miss incidents.

Author of Tool:

Goldenhar, L. M., Williams, L. J., & Swanson, N. G.

Key references:

Goldenhar, L. M., Williams, L. J., & Swanson, N. G. (2003). Modelling relationships between job stressors and injury and near-miss outcomes for construction labourers. Work & Stress, 17, 218-240.

Primary use / Purpose:

To assess whether a relationship exists between self-reported job-task demands, organizational stressors, psychological and physical symptoms, and injuries or near miss incidents at work.

Stressors and Injury for Construction Workers questionnaire


Job control (5-point scale: Very little to A great deal) 

  • 1. How much control (do/did) you have over the types of tasks you (are/were) assigned to do during a work-day?
  • 2. How much control (do/did) you have over getting the contractor to provide you with the proper personal protective equipment that you (need/needed)?
  • 3. How much control (do/did) you have over how fast or slow you (work/worked)
  • 4. In general, how much control would you say you (have/had) over your work and work-related factors?

Job demands (5-point scale: Never to Always) 

  • 1. How often (do/did) you have to work very fast on the job?
  • 2. How often (do/did) you have to work very hard on the job?

Overcompensating at work (5-point scale: Never to Always) 

  • 1. How often on this job (do/did) you feel that you (have/had) to work harder than others in order to ‘prove’ yourself?

Skill under-utilization (5-point scale: Never to Always /Recoded)

  • 1. At work, how often (are/were) you given a chance to do the things that would help you to improve or perfect your skills?

Responsibility for safety of others (4-point scale: Very Little to a lot)

  • 1. At work, how much responsibility do you have for the safety of others on the jobsite?

Organizational stressors Safety climate (4-point scale: strongly disagree to strongly agree) 

  • 1. At this jobsite, employees, supervisors, and managers (work/worked) together to ensure the safest possible working conditions.
  • 2. At this jobsite, significant shortcuts (are/were) taken, which could put a worker’s health and safety at risk (Recoded).
  • 3. The protection of workers (is/was) a high priority with supervisors at this jobsite.
  • 4. At this jobsite unsafe work practices (are/were) corrected by supervisors.
  • 5. When you were a new employee at this jobsite, you learned that you were expected to follow good safety practices.

Training (4-point scale: Strongly disagree to strongly agree)

  • 1. At this jobsite, sometimes I (am/was) given a task to do and I (am/was) not sure how to do it (Recoded).
  • 2. I believe that I have been properly trained to use all types of personal protective equipment.
  • 3. Overall, I believe that I have had the training I need to work safely.
  • 4. Overall, I wish that I had been better trained before ever working on a construction site (Recoded).

Job certainty (4-point scale: Very uncertain to certain)

  • 1. How certain are you that job promotion and job advancement will exist for you in the construction industry during the next few years?
  • 2. If you lost your job, how certain are you that you could support yourself?
  • 3. If you lost your job, how certain are you that you could find a job to replace your income?
  • 4. How certain are you about your job future?

Social support (5-point scale: Never to Always )

  • 1. How often does your immediate supervisor make an extra effort to make your work life easier for you?
  • 2. How often does your immediate supervisor make an extra effort to make your work life safer for you?
  • 3. How often can your immediate supervisor be relied upon to help you when a difficult situation arises at work?
  • 4. How often do your co-workers make an extra effort to make your work life easier for you?
  • 5. How often do your co-workers make an extra effort to make your work life safer for you?
  • 6. How often can your co-workers be relied upon to help you when a difficult situation arises at work?

Harassment and discrimination (2-point scale: No, Yes )

In the past year, on the jobsite:

  • 1. have you ever had unwanted suggestions about, or references to, sexual activity directed at you by co-workers?
  • 2. have you ever had unwanted suggestions about, or references to, sexual activity directed at you by supervisors?
  • 3. have you ever experienced unwanted physical contact, including that of a sexual nature, by co-workers?
  • 4. have you ever experienced unwanted physical contact, including that of a sexual nature, by supervisors?
  • 5. have you ever felt that you were mistreated due to the fact that you were a female/male by co-workers?
  • 6. have you ever felt that you were mistreated due to the fact that you were a female/male by supervisors?

Hours of exposure (Summed scale ) 

  • 1. How many hours per day are you exposed to each of the following hazardous or unpleasant conditions: noise, chemicals, asphalt, asbestos, and lead?

Safety Compliance Index (5-point scale: Never to Always)

  • 1. How often do you wear earplugs?
  • 2. How often do you wear safety glasses?
  • 3. How often do you wear safety shoes?


Psychological symptoms (5-point scale: Never to Always) 

  • 1. In the past year, how often have you felt tense?
  • 2 In the past year, how often have you felt angry?
  • 3 In the past year, how often have you felt sad?

Physical symptoms: (5-point scale: Never to Always) 

  • 1. In the past year, how often have you experienced insomnia or had trouble sleeping?
  • 2. In the past year, how often have you felt symptoms of nausea or stomach disorders?
  • 3. In the past year, how often have you experienced headaches?
  • 4. In the past year, how often have you experienced low-back pain?

Near miss 0 /1 near miss= 56%
2 /5 near miss= 29% 6 or more near miss= 14%

Injuries (Yes responses for injury were summed and then trichotomized: head+neck+/eyes+/shoulder+arms+/ wrist+/hand+/upper back+lower back+/legs+/ankles+feet+/other)
0 injury= 62%
1 injury= 16%
2 or more injury= 22%
