State Appearance Comparison Scale

In the past fifteen minutes‚ to what extent did you…
1. Think about your own appearance?
1= No thought about my appearance…………………… A lot of thought about my appearance=7
2. Compare your overall appearance to that of the other research participant in the study?
1=No comparison………………………………………………………….A lot of comparison=7
3. Compare your specific body parts to those of the other research participant in the study?
1=No comparison…………………………………………………………A lot of comparison=7
This instrument can be found on page 119 of The Effects of Ambiguous Appearance-related Feedback on Body Image‚ Mood States‚ and Intentions to Use Body Changes Strategies in College Women. Available online at:

Tiggemann‚ M.‚ & McGill‚ B. (2004). The role of social comparison in the effect ofmagazine advertisements on women’s mood and body dissatisfaction. Journal ofSocial and Clinical Psychology‚ 23‚ 23-44.

Tiggemann‚ M.‚ & Slater‚ A. (2003). Thin ideals in music television: A source of socialcomparison and body dissatisfaction. International Journal of Eating Disorders‚35‚ 48-58.

Herbozo‚ Sylvia.‚ (2007). The Effects of Ambiguous Appearance-related Feedback on Body Image‚ Mood States‚ and Intentions to Use Body Changes Strategies in College Women. University of South Florida‚ College of Arts and Sciences‚ Department of Psychology.
