Body Comparison Scale (BCS)

1.          Ears
2.          Nose
3.          Lips
4.          Hair
5.          Teeth
6.          Chin
7.          Shape of face
8.          Cheeks
9.          Forehead
10.        Upper arm
11.        Forearm
12.        Shoulders
13.        Chest
14.        Back
15.        Waist
15.        Stomach
17.        Buttocks
18.       Thighs
19.        Hips
20.        Calves
21.        Muscle tone of upper body
22.        Overall shape of upper body
23.        Muscle tone of lower body
24.        Overall shape of lower body
25.        Overall body Note: general appearance‚ non-weight‚ non-muscular scale: items 1-9; muscular scale: items 10-15; weight scale items 16-20
This instrument can be found online at:
Never=1‚ Rarely=2‚ Sometimes=3‚ Often=4‚ Always=5
please contact to:
J. Kevin Thompson‚ Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida
PCD 4118G
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa FL 33620-8200.
Phone numbers:
# (813) 974 0367 (office)
# (813) 974 8346 (lab)

Fisher‚ E.‚ Dunn‚ M. & Thompsom‚ J. K. (2002). Social Comparison and Body Image: An Investigation of Body Comparison Processes using Multidimensional Scaling. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology‚ 21 (5)‚ 566-579.
