Resilience Scale (RS)

1.    When I make plans‚ I follow through with them.
2.    I usually manage one way or another.
3.    I am able to depend on myself more than anyone else. *
4.    Keeping interested in things is important to me.
5.    I can be on my own if I have to.
6.    I feel proud that I have accomplished things in life. *
7.    I usually take things in stride. *
8.    I am friends with myself. *
9.    I feel that I can handle many things at a time. *
10.I am determined. *
11.I seldom wonder what the point of it all is.
12.I take things one day at a time.
13.I can get through difficult times because I’ve experienced difficulty before.*
14.I have self-discipline. *
15.I keep interested in things. *
16.I can usually find something to laugh about. *
17.My belief in myself gets me through hard times. *
18.In an emergency‚ I’m someone people can generally rely on. *
19.I can usually look at a situation in a number of ways.
20.Sometimes I make myself do things whether I want to or not.
21.My life has meaning.*
22.I do not dwell on things that I can´t do anything about.
23.When I’m in a difficult situation‚ I can usually find my way out of it.*
24.I have enough energy to do what I have to do.
25.It’s okay if there are people who don’t like me.
* Item belongs to the Shortened Version (RS-14)
Personal Competence‚ Acceptance of Self and Life
(1) Strongly Disagree‚ to (7) Strongly Agree

Wagnild‚ G. M.‚ & Young‚ H. M. (1993). Development and psychometric evaluation of The Resilience Scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement‚ 1(2)‚ 165-178.

Wagnild‚ G. M. (2003). Resilience and successful aging: Comparison among low and high income older adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing‚ 29: 42-49.

Wagnild‚ G. M. (2009). The Resilience Scale User’s Guide for the US English version of The Resilience Scale and The 14-Item Resilience Scale (RS-14). Worden‚ MT: The Resilience Center.

Wagnild‚ G. M. (2009). A review of the Resilience Scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement‚ 17‚ 105-113.

Wagnild‚ G. M. (2010). Special report on the 25-Item Resilience Scale. Worden‚ MT: The Resilience Center
