Parental Health Belief Scales

Please rate each statement on a scale from 1 to 5 without thinking too deeply about it.
1=Strongly agree‚ 2‚ 3= No opinion ‚ 4‚ 5=Strongly disagree
1.      My child’s good health comes from being lucky.
2.      There is nothing that I can do to keep my child from getting sick.
3.      Bad luck makes my child get sick.
4.      I can only do what the doctor tells me to do for my child.
5.      Getting sick just happens to children.
6.      There is nothing I can do to make sure that my child has a healthy appearance.
7.      Children who never get sick are just plain lucky.
8.      It is my job as a father/ mother to keep my child from getting sick.
9.      The government is responsible for the effects of quality of food on my child’shealth.
10. Only a doctor or a nurse keeps my child from getting sick.
11. I can make very few choices about my child’s health.
12. My child’s health can improve through self-discipline.
13. Accidents just happen to children.
14. I can do many things to fight illness in my child.
15. Only the dentist can take care of my child’s teeth.
16. I can teach my child many ways in which to protect their good health.
17. The government is responsible for the environmental effects on my child’s health.
18. Even the most healthy child can be affected by the evil eye or nazar of a jealousperson.
19. The only way I can make my child stay healthy is to do what other people tell meto do.
20. I take my child to the doctor right away if my child gets hurt.
21. It will be my child’s teachers’ job to keep my child from ha‎ving accidents atschool.
22. Children who never get sick are blessed by God.
23. I can make many choices about my child’s health.
24. If my child feels sick‚ I have to wait for other people to tell me what to do.
25. Whenever my child feels sick‚ I take my child to the doctor right away.
26. There is nothing I can do the make sure that my child has healthy teeth.
27. I can do many things to prevent my child from ha‎ving accidents
28. My child’s health can improve through prayer.
29. Frequent sickness in children is a sign of being cursed by God or the devil.
30. My child’s health is affected by living in a bad environment no matter what I do.