Job Perception Scale


The Job Perception Scale was developed by Hatfield, Robinson, and Huseman (1985). It uses semantic differential responses to 21 items that describe aspects of a job. These include the work itself, pay, promotions, supervision, and co-workers. The Job Perception Scale was selected for use in Smith, Smits, and Hoy (1998) because it was likely to be easily under­ stood by workers with a wide range of educational backgrounds. The items of the Job Perception Scale can also be collapsed to form one summed mea­ sure of job satisfaction (Smith et al., 1998).


Coefficient alpha values ranged from .87 to .93 for the 21-item composite measure (Miles, Patrick, & King, 1996; Smith et al., 1998).


Overall job satisfaction correlated positively with age, supervisory positive relationship communications, positive communications about the job, and perceptions of the quality of management. It correlated negatively with neg­ ative relationship communications (Miles et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1998).

Hatfield, J., Robinson, R. B., & Huseman, R. C. (1985). An empirical evalu­ ation of a test for assessing job satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 56, 39-

45 Items were taken from Table 2, 42. © Psychological Reports, 1985. Reprinted with permission of the authors and publisher.


Respondents are asked to choose a level from 1 to 5 that describes their pres­ ent job using each pair of words as end-point anchors.

Work items:

  1. Exciting/Dull
  2. Pleasant/Unpleasant
  3. Clear/Hazy
  4. Challenging/Unchallenging
  5. Satisfying/Unsatisfying

Pay items:

  1. Rewarding/Unrewarding
  2. Large/Small
  3. Right/Wrong
  4. Positive/Negative

Supervisor items:

  1. Near/Distant
  2. Sincere/Insincere
  3. Friendly/Unfriendly
  4. Qualified/Unqualified

Co-workers items:

  1. Careful/Careless
  2. Loyal/Disloyal
  3. Pleasant/Unpleasant
  4. Boring/Interesting

Promotion items:

  1. Just/Unjust
  2. Reliable/Unreliable
  3. Positive/Negative
  4. Reasonable/Unreasonable