Emotion-Regulation Skills Questionnaire (ERSQ)

In the last week …
1.    I was able to consciously pay attention to my feelings.
2.    I could consciously bring about positive feelings.
3.    I understood my emotional reactions.
4.    I could endure my negative feelings.
5.    I was able to accept my negative feelings.
6.    I could have labelled my feelings.
7.    I had a clear physical perception of my feelings.
8.    I did what I wanted to do‚ even if I had to face negative feelings on the way.
9.    I tried to reassure myself during distressing situations.
10.I was able to influence my negative feelings.
11.I knew what my feelings meant.
12.I could focus on my negative emotions if necessary.
13.I knew what emotions I was feeling in the moment.
14.I consciously noticed when my body reacted towards emotionally ch‎arged situations in a particular way.
15.I tried to cheer myself up in emotionally distressing situations.
16.I did what I intended to do despite my negative feelings.
17.I was OK with my feelings‚ even if they were negative.
18.I was certain that I would be able to tolerate even intense negative feelings.
19.I was able to experience my feelings consciously.
20.I was aware of why I felt the way I felt.
21.I knew that I was able to influence my feelings.
22.I pursued goals that were important to me‚ even if I thought that doing so would trigger or intensify negative feelings.
23.I was able to experience my negative feelings without immediately trying to fight them off.
24.my physical sensations were a good indication of how I was feeling.
25.I was clear about what emotions I was experiencing.
26.I could tolerate my negative feelings.
27.I supported myself in emotionally distressing situations.
AW = awareness; SE = sensation; CL = clarity; UN = understanding; AC = acceptance; RES = resilience; SESU = compassionate self-support; R to C = readiness to confront(situations that cue aversive emotions); MOD = modification of negative emotions‚ tolerance
0 (not at all) to 4 (almost always)
not at all‚ rarely‚ sometimes‚ often‚ almost always

Berking‚ M.‚ Wupperman‚ P.‚ Orth‚ Ulrich.‚ et al. (2008). Prospective Effects of Emotion-Regulation Skills on Emotional Adjustment. Journal of Counseling Psychology‚ 55(4): 485-494.

Berking‚ M.‚ Znoj‚ H. (2008). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens zur standardisierten Selbsteinschätzung emotionaler Kompetenzen (SEK-27) Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie‚ Psychologie und Psychotherapie‚ 56:141–152.

Berking‚ M.‚ Wupperman‚ P.‚ Reich‎ardt A‚ Pejic‚ T.‚ Dippel‚ A.‚ Znoj‚ H. (2008). Emotion-regulation skills as a treatment target in psychotherapy. Behav Res Ther‚ 46(11):1230-7.

Berking‚ M.‚ Ebert‚ David.‚ Margraf‚ M.‚Wupperman‚ P.‚ Junghannsb‚ Klaus.‚ Hofmann‚ S G. (2011). Deficits in Emotion-Regulation Skills Predict Alcohol Use During and After Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Alcohol Dependence. J Consult Clin Psychol. 79(3): 307–318.

Berking‚ M.‚  Ebert‚ David.‚ Cuijpers‚ Pim.‚ Hofmann‚ S G. (2013). Emotion Regulation Skills Training Enhances the Efficacy of Inpatient Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychother Psychosom‚ 82:234–245

Mohammadi‚ Reza.‚ Bahari‚ Zahra.‚ Robat Meeli‚ Somaye.‚ Seyed Ahmadian‚Seyed Mohammadreza.‚ Karimi‚ Roohollah. (2015). Reliability‚ Validity‚ and Normalization of Berking’s Emotion- Regulation Skills Questionnaire in the Students of Police University. Journal of Police Medicine‚ 4(2): 105-112
