How can I convert time to text in Excel?

Converting time to text in Excel can be done using the TEXT function. This function allows you to format a time value into a text string according to a specified format. For example, if you have a time value of 9:30 AM in cell A1 and you want to convert it to text in the format of “9:30 AM”, you can use the formula =TEXT(A1,”h:mm AM/PM”). This will return the result as “9:30 AM”. Similarly, you can use other formatting codes to customize the text output according to your preference.

Convert Time to Text in Excel (With Example)

You can use the following formula to convert time to text in Excel:

=TEXT(A2,"h:mm AM/PM")

This particular formula converts the time in cell A2 to text.

The following example shows how to use this formula in practice.

Example: Convert Time to Text in Excel

Suppose we have the following column of times in Excel:

Currently each of these times is not stored as text.

We can verify this by typing the following formula into cell B2:


This formula returns FALSE, which tells us that the time value in cell A2 is not currently recognized as text.

Suppose we would like to convert each time in column A into text.

We can type the following formula into cell B2 to do so:

=TEXT(A2,"h:mm AM/PM")

We can then click and drag this formula down to each remaining cell in column B:

Excel convert time to text

We can verify that each cell in column B is text by typing the following formula into cell C2:


We can then click and drag this formula down to each remaining cell in column C:

The formula returns TRUE for each row, which indicates that each time value in column B is stored as text.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the TEXT function in Excel .

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations in Excel:
