How can I convert scientific notation to text in Excel?

To convert scientific notation to text in Excel, follow these steps:
1. Select the cells containing the scientific notation data that you want to convert.
2. Right-click on the selected cells and click on “Format Cells”.
3. In the “Number” tab, select “Text” as the category.
4. Click “OK” to apply the changes.
5. The scientific notation will now be converted to text format, allowing you to view the full number without any exponent. This can be useful when working with large numbers or when presenting data in a more understandable format.

Excel: Convert Scientific Notation to Text

Whenever you type a number into Excel that contains more than 11 digits, Excel will automatically format the number using scientific notation with E+11 displayed at the end of the number.

The easiest way to convert scientific notation to text is to use the TEXT function with the following formula:

=TEXT(A1, "0")

This particular formula will convert the number displayed with scientific notation in cell A1 to text.

The following example shows how to use this formula in practice.

Example: How to Convert Scientific Notation to Text in Excel

Suppose we type 123456789111 into Excel:

Excel formats the number using scientific notation as 1.23457E+11 since this number contains 12 digits.

To convert this number from scientific notation to text, we can type the following formula into cell B1:

=TEXT(A1, "0")

The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

stop Excel from formatting numbers with E+11

This formula uses the TEXT function with the argument “0” to format the number in cell A1 in such a way that all digits are displayed.

We have now successfully converted the number in scientific notation in cell A1 into text in cell B1.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the TEXT function in Excel .

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