How can I convert a date to text in Power BI using two different methods?

In Power BI, there are two methods for converting a date to text. The first method is to use the FORMAT function, which allows the user to specify the desired format for the date. The second method is to use the DATENAME function, which extracts the name of the month, day, or year from the date. Both of these methods can be used to effectively convert a date to text in Power BI, providing flexibility and customization in displaying dates in reports and visuals.

Convert Date to Text in Power BI (2 Methods)

There are two ways to quickly convert a date column to a text column in Power BI:

Method 1: Use the Data Type Dropdown Menu in Column Tools

Method 2: Write a Custom DAX Function

The following examples show how to use each method in practice with the following table in Power BI:

Example 1: Convert Date to Text Using the Data Type Dropdown Menu

Suppose we would like to convert the Date column in the table from a date column to a text column.

One way to do so is to click on the header of the Date column, which will bring up the Column tools tab.

We can then click the Data type dropdown menu and then click Text:

This will convert the column from date to text:

Example 2: Convert Date to Text Using DAX

Another way to convert the Date column in the table from a date column to a text column is by writing a custom function in DAX.

To do so, click the Table tools tab, then click the icon called New column:

Then type the following formula into the formula bar:

Date_New = CONVERT('my_data'[Date], STRING)

This will create a new column named Date_New that shows each of the corresponding date values from the Date column represented as text values in the format mm/dd/yyyy:

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the CONVERT function in DAX .

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Power BI:
