Team Learning and Psychological Safety Survey


The Team Learning and Psychological Safety Survey is a 24 item measure. Team psychological safety, defined as the extent to which the team views the social climate as conducive to interpersonal risk, is assessed. Internal team learning behaviors, including the extent to which team members engage in behaviors designed to monitor progress and performance against goals and behaviors designed to test assumptions and create new possibilities, and external team learning behaviors, defined as the extent to which team members engage in behaviors designed to obtain information and feedback from others in the organization or from customers, are also measured. The respondent must also provide information on team learning outcomes which are defined as the learning benefits for individual team members as a result of working on this team.


The reliability, validity, and factor structure of the measure have been established (Edmondson, 1999).

Author of Tool:

Edmondson, A.

Key references:

Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 350-383.

Primary use / Purpose:

This instrument is designed to assess team psychological safety and team learning behaviour.


Psychological Safety

                represents the extent to which the team views the social climate as conducive to interpersonal risk;  it is a measure of people’s willingness to trust others not to attempt to gain personal advantage at their expense.

  • 1-            When someone makes a mistake in this team, it is often held against him or her (R).
  • 1-            In this team, it is easy to discuss difficult issues and problems.
  • 1-            In this team, people are sometimes rejected for being different (R).
  • 1-            It is completely safe to take a risk on this team.
  • 1-            It is difficult to ask other members of this team for help (R).
  • 1-            Members of this team value and respect each others’ contributions.


Team learning behaviors (internal): TLBI

                represents the extent to which team members engage in behaviors designed to monitor progress and performance against goals (single-loop TL), as well as the extent to which they engage in behaviors designed to test assumptions and create new possibilities (double-loop TL)

  • 3-            Problems and errors in this team are always communicated to the appropriate people (whether team members or others) so that action can be taken.
  • 3-            We often take time to figure out ways to improve our team’s work processes.
  • 3-            In this team, people talk about mistakes and ways to prevent and learn from them.
  • 3-            This team tends to handle conflicts and differences of opinion privately or off-line, rather than addressing them directly as a group (R).
  • 3-            This team frequently obtains new information that leads us to make important changes in our plans or work processes.
  • 3-            Members of this team often raise concerns they have about team plans or decisions.
  • 3-            This team constantly encounters unexpected hurdles and gets stuck (R).
  • 3-            We try to discover assumptions or basic beliefs about issues under discussion. (D&M modifed)

Team learning behaviors (external): TLBE

                represents the extent to which team members engage in behaviors designed to obtain information and feedback from others in the organization or from customers.

  • 3-            People in this team frequently coordinate  with other teams to meet organization objectives.
  • 3-            People in this team cooperate effectively with other teams or shifts to meet corporate objectives or satisfy customer needs.
  • 3-            This team is not very good at keeping everyone informed who needs to buy in to what the team is planning and accomplishing. (R)
  • 3-            This team goes out and gets all the information it possibly can from a lot of different sources.
  • 3-            We don’t have time to communicate information about our team’s work to others outside the team.  (R)
  • 3-            We invite people from outside the team to present information or have discussions with us. (D&M)


Team learning outcomes (items suggested by qualitative research) (TLO)

                represents extent of learning benefits for individual team members as a result of working on this team.

  • 3-            Members of this team help others understand their special areas of expertise.
  • 3-            Working with this team, I have gained a significant understanding of other areas of expertise.
  • 3-            The outcomes or products of our work include new processes or procedures (D&M)

