Susceptibility to Infidelity Instrument


Infidelity is a major cause of divorce and spousal battering. Little is known, however, about which individuals are susceptible to infidelity, or about the relationship contexts that promote infidelity. Personality factors most strongly linked to susceptibility to infidelity according to the study from which this instrument was created, were low Conscientiousness, high Narcissism, and high Psychoticism. Relationship contexts most strongly linked to susceptibility to infidelity include sexual dissatisfaction, and specific sources of conflict such as partner complaints about jealousy. For the Susceptibility to Infidelity Instrument, participants must estimated the likelihood of their spouses committing each of six types of infidelity with a member of the opposite sex in the next year: flirting, passionately kissing, going on a romantic date, having a one night stand, having a brief affair, and having a serious affair. Participants then provided parallel estimates for their own likelihood of committing the six types of infidelity. Participants provided estimates on separate 11-point scales for each type of infidelity. The low end of the scale indicated 0%, the high end indicated 100%, with the scale marked off in 10% increments.


For details on psychometric properties, see article: Buss, D.M., & Shackelford, T.K (1997). Susceptibility to Infidelity in the First Year of Marriage. Journal of Research in Personality, 31, 193-221.

Author of Tool:

Buss, D.M., & Shackelford, T.K

Key references:

Buss, D.M., & Shackelford, T.K (1997). Susceptibility to Infidelity in the First Year of Marriage. Journal of Research in Personality, 31, 193-221. 

Primary use / Purpose:

Measures individual’s susceptibility to infidelity, and their perception of the likelihood of their partner’s susceptibility to infidelity.

Events With Others

Instructions. Below are listed a series of events. We would like you to make three responses to each event: 1) estimate the probability or likelihood that the event would occur within the next year; 2) estimate the probability or likelihood that if the event occurred, you would end the relationship; and 3) estimate the probability that if the event occurred, your partner would end the relationship. Circle the number that best corresponds to your estimate of each of these probabilities of occurrence; then, insert estimates on following items.


  • Partner flirts with a member of the opposite sex within the next year.

0%       10%     20%     30%     40%     50%     60%     70%     80%     90%     100%

Probability that event would occur

0%       10%     20%     30%     40%     50%     60%     70%     80%     90%     100%

If event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

0%       10%     20%     30%     40%     50%     60%     70%     80%     90%     100%

If the event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • Partner passionately kisses a member of the opposite sex within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • Partner goes out on a romantic date with someone else within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • Partner has a one-night stand with someone else within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • Partner has a brief affair within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • Partner has a serious affair within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • You flirt with a member of the opposite sex within the next year

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • You passionately kiss a member of the opposite sex within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • You go out on a romantic date with someone else within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • You have a one-night stand with someone else within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • You have a brief affair within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship

  • You have a serious affair within the next year.

                    % probability that event would occur within the next year

                    % if event occurred, probability that you would end the relationship

                    % if event occurred, probability that partner would end relationship
