Self-Efficacy- Prothrow

1. I will graduate from high school.
2. I will finish college.
3. I will get a job I really want.
4. I am confident in my ability to stay out of fights.
5. If someone called me a bad name‚ I would ignore them or walk away.
6. I don’t need to fight because there are other ways to deal with anger.
7. I can get along well with most people.
(Item 7 was added by DeJong‚ Spiro‚ Brewer-Wilson‚ et al.‚ 1992.)
These items measure one’s confidence in attaining educational and career goals and in avoiding fights. Youths are asked to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with seven statements.
This tool touches on the following keywords:
·         Violence and Bullying
·         Self-Esteem/Efficacy
·         Personal Attitudes and Beliefs
·         Career and Vocational
This instrument can be found on page 131 of Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes‚ Behaviors‚ and Influences Among Youths: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at: .
None noted.
Middle and high school age youth. Has been used in previous research with African American males age 12-16.
Strongly disagree=1‚ Disagree=2‚ Agree=3‚ Strongly agree=4
Point values are assigned as indicated on the instrument (1–4). Values are summed for each respondent and divided by the number of items. The intended range of scores is 1-4‚ with a higher score indicating a greater confidence in one’s ability to finish school‚ get a job‚ and avoid violent encounters. Items 4-7 can be treated as a separate scale.

DeJong‚ W.‚ Spiro‚ A.‚ Brewer-Wilson‚ R.‚ Vince-Whitman‚ C.‚ Prothrow-Stith‚ D.‚ & Cross‚ T.P. (1992). Evaluation of a violence prevention curriculum for inner-city adolescents. Boston‚ MA: Harvard University. (Unpublished)

DeJong W‚ Spiro A‚ Brewer-Wilson R‚ Vince-Whitman C‚ Prothrow-Stith D‚ Cross TP. Evaluation of a violence prevention curriculum for inner-cityadolescents. Boston‚ MA: Harvard University‚ 1992.(Unpublished)
