Satisfaction With My Supervisor scale


This measure, (Satisfaction With My Supervisor) developed by Scarpello and Vandenberg (1987), describes an employee’s satisfaction with his or her immediate supervisor. The measure was developed over a 3-year period using samples of more than 2,000 employees from seven manufacturing firms and tested with more than 1,000 employees in the insurance industry.


Coefficient alpha values ranged from .95 to .96 (Jones et al., 1999; Scarpello & Vandenberg, 1987).


Although factor analysis of the 18 items making up the scale found that the items loaded on two factors, the factors were highly correlated (mean r across eight samples = .60). The items loading on the second factor also loaded on the first factor, suggesting the existence of a single underlying construct, rather than independent dimensions (Jones et al., 1999; Scarpello & Vandenberg, 1987).


Scarpello, V., & Vandenberg, R. (1987). The Satisfaction With My Super­ visor scale: Its utility for research and practical application. Journal of Man­ agement, 3, 451-470. Items were taken from Figure 1, p. 455. Reprinted with permission.


Responses are obtained using a 5-point Likert-type scale where 1 = very dis­ satisfied and 5 = very satisfied.

  1. The way my supervisor listens when I have something important to say.
  2. The way my supervisor sets clear work goals
  3. The way my supervisor treats me when I make a mistake
  4. My supervisor’s fairness in appraising my job performance
  5. The way my supervisor is consistent in his/her behavior toward subordinates
  6. The way my supervisor helps me to get the job done
  7. The way my supervisor gives me credit for my ideas
  8. The way my supervisor gives me clear instruction
  9. The way my supervisor informs me about work changes ahead of time
  10. The way my supervisor follows through to get problems solved
  11. The way my supervisor understands the problems I might run into doing the job
  12. The way my supervisor shows concern for my career progress
  13. My supervisor’s backing me up with other management
  14. The frequency with which I get a pat on the back for doing a good job.
  15. The technical competence of my supervisor
  16. The amount of time I get to learn a task before I’m moved to another task.
  17. The time I have to do the job right.
  18. The way my job responsibilities are clearly defined.