Index of Organizational Reactions scale(IOR)


The Index of Organizational Reactions (IOR), developed by Dunham and Smith (1979), assesses employee satisfaction with his or her job and organi­zation. The IOR assesses satisfaction with supervision, financial rewards, kind of work, physical conditions, amount of work, company identification, co-workers, and career future.


Coefficient alpha values ranged from .82 to .83 (Lee & Johnson, 1991; McLain, 1995; Taylor, Tracy, Renard, Harrison, & Carroll, 1995).


In Lee and Johnson (1991), workplace satisfaction measured with the IOR correlated positively with organizational commitment for both permanent and temporary employees and distribution of risk exposure in the work­ place. The IOR correlated negatively with education level and pay levels for exempt staff, perceived danger, perceived risk, task distractions, and risk experience (Lee & Johnson, 1991; McLain, 1995; Taylor et al., 1995).


Cook, J. D., Hepworth, S. J., Wall, T. D., & Warr, P. B. (1981). The expe­ rience of work: A compendium of 249 measures and their use. London: Academic Press. Items were taken from pp. 42-45. Copyright© 1981 by Academic Press. Reproduced with permission.


Items and possible responses:

Supervision items:

  1. Do you ever have the feeling you would better off working under different supervision?

Possible responses are 1 = J almost always feel this way, 2 = I frequently feel this way, 3 = 1 occasionally feel this way, 4 =1 seldom feel this way, 5 = 1 never feel this way.

  1. How do you feel about the supervision you receive?

Possible responses are 5 =Jam extremely satisfied, 4 = I am well satis­ fied, 3 = 1 am only moderately satisfied, 2 = 1 am somewhat dissatisfied, 1 = / am very dissatisfied.

  1. How does the way you are treated by those who supervise you influence you overall attitude toward your job?

Possible responses are 1 = It has a very unfavorable influence, 2 = It has a slightly unfavorable influence, 3 = It has no real effect, 4 = It hasa favorable influence, 5 = It has a very favorable influence.

  1. How much do the efforts of those who supervise you add to the success of your organization?

Possible responses are 5 = a very great deal, 4 = quite a bit, 3 = only a little, 2 = very little, l = almost nothing.

  1. The people who supervise me have:

Possible responses are 5 = many more good traits than bad ones, 4 = more good traits than bad ones, 3 = about the same number of good traits as bad ones, 2 = more bad traits than good ones, 1 = many more bad traits than good ones.

  1. The supervision I receive is the kind that:

Possible responses are 1 = greatly discourages me from giving extra effort, 2 = tends to discourage me from giving extra effort, 3 = has little influence on me, 4 = encourages me to give extra effort, 5 = greatly encourages me to give extra effort.

Company identification items:

  1. There is something about working for this organization that:

Possible responses are 5 = greatly encourages me to do my best,4 = defi­nitely encourages me to do my best, 3 = only slightly encourages me to do my best, 2 = tends to discourage me from doing my best, l = definitely discourages me from doing my best.

  1. From my experience, I feel this organization probably treats its employees:

Possible responses are 1 = poorly, 2 = somewhat poorly, 3 = fairly well, 4 = quite well, 5 = extremely well.

  1. How does working for this organization influence your overall attitude toward your job?

Possible responses are 1 = it has a very unfavorable influence, 2 = it has an unfavorable influence, 3 = it has no influence one way or the other, 4 = it has a favorable influence, 5 = it has a very favorable influence.

  1. How do you describe this organization as a company to work for?

Possible responses are 5 = couldn’t be much better, 4 = very good, 3 = fairly good, 2 = just another place to work, l = poor.

  1. I think this organization, as a company, considers employee welfare:

Possible responses are 1 = much less important than sales and profits, 2 = less important than sales and profits, 3 = about as important as sales and profits, 4 = more important than sales and profits, 5 = much more important than sales and profits.

Kind of work items:

  1. Work like mine:

Possible responses are 1 = discourages me from doing my best, 2 = tends to discourage me from doing my best, 3 = makes little difference, 4 = slightly encourages me to do my best, 5 = greatly encourages me to do my best.

  1. How often when you finish a day’s work do you feel you’ve accomplished something really worthwhile?

Possible responses are 5 = all of the time, 4 = most of the time, 3 = about half of the time, 2 = less than half of the time, l = rarely.

  1. How does the kind of work you do influence your overall attitude toward your job?

Possible responses are 1 = it has a very unfavorable influence, 2 = it has a slightly unfavorable influence, 3 = it has no influence one way or the other, 4 = it has a fairly favorable influence, 5 = it has a very favorable influence.

  1. How many of the things you do on your job do you enjoy?

Possible responses are 5 = nearly all, 4 = more than half, 3 = about half, 2 = less than half, I = almost none.

  1. How much of the work you do stirs up real enthusiasm on your part?

Possible responses are 5 = nearly all of it, 4 = more than half of it, 3 = about half of it, 2 = less than half of it, 1 = almost none of it.

  1. How do you feel about the kind of work you do?

Possible responses are 1 =don’t like it, would prefer some other kind of work; 2 = it’s OK, there’s other work/ like better; 3 = I like it, but there is other work I like as much; 4 =] like it very much; 5 = it’s exactly the kind of work I like best.

Amount of work items:

  1. I feel my workload is:

Possible responses are 5 = never too heavy, 4 = seldom too heavy, 3 = sometimes too heavy, 2 = often too heavy, l = almost always too heavy.

  1. How does the amount of work you’re expected to do influence the way you do your job?

Possible responses are 1 = it never allows me to do a good job, 2 = it seldom allows me to do a good job, 3 = it has no effect on how I do my job, 4 = it usually allows me to do a good job, 5 = it always allows me to do a good job.

  1. How does the amount of work you’re expected to do influence your overall attitude toward your job?

Possible responses are 5 = it has a very favorable influence, 4 =it has a favorable influence, 3 = it has no influence one way or the other, 2 = it has an unfavorable influence, I = it has a very unfavorable influence.

  1. How do you feel about the amount of work you’re expected to do?

Possible responses are 1 = very dissatisfied, 2 = somewhat dissatisfied, 3 = neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4 = somewhat satisfied, 5 = very satisfied.

Co-workers items:

  1. How do you generally feel about the employees you work with?

Possible responses are 5 = they are the best group I could ask for, 4 = / like them a great deal, 3 = I like them fairly well, 2 =/have no feeling one way or the other, I = I don’t particularly care for them.

  1. How is your overall attitude toward your job influenced by the people you work with?

Possible responses are 5 = it is very favorably influenced, 4 = it is favor­ ably influenced, 3 = it is not influenced one way or the other, 2 = it is unfavorably influenced, 1 = it is very unfavorably influenced.

  1. The example my fellow employees set:

Possible responses are 1 = greatly discourages me from working hard, 2 = somewhat discourages me from working hard, 3= has little effect on me, 4 = somewhat encourages me to work hard, 5 = greatly encourages me to work hard.

  1. How much does the way co-workers handle their jobs add to the success of your organization?

Possible responses are 1 = it adds almost nothing, 2 = it adds very little, 3 = it adds only a little, 4 = it adds quite a bit, 5 = it adds a very great deal.

  1. In this organization, there is:

Possible responses are 1 = a very great deal of friction, 2 = quite a bit of friction, 3 = some friction, 4 = little friction, 5 = almost no friction.

Physical work conditions items:

  1. How much pride can you take in the appearance of your work place?

Possible responses are 5= a very great deal,4= quite a bit,3= some, 2 = little, l = very little.

  1. How do you feel about your physical working conditions?

Possible responses are 5 = extremely satisfied, 4 = well satisfied, 3 = only moderately satisfied, 2= somewhat dissatisfied, l = very dissatisfied.

  1. How do your physical working conditions influence your overall attitude toward your job?

Possible responses are l = they have a very unfavorable influence, 2 = they have a slightly unfavorable influence, 3 = they have no influence one way or the other, 4 = they have a favorable influence, 5= they have a very favorable influence.

  1. The physical working conditions make working here:

Possible responses are 1 = very unpleasant, 2 = unpleasant, 3 = neither pleasant nor unpleasant, 4 = pleasant, 5 = very pleasant.

  1. For the work I do, my physical working conditions are:

Possible responses are 1 = very poor, 2 = relatively poor, 3 = neither good nor poor, 4 = reasonably good, 5 = very good.

  1. How do your physical working conditions affect the way you do your job?

Possible responses are 5 = they help me a great deal, 4 = they help me a little, 3 = they make little difference, 2 = they tend to make it difficult, 1 = they make it very difficult.

Financial rewards items:

  1. For the job I do, I feel the amount of money I make is:

Possible responses are 5 = extremely good, 4 = good, 3 = neither good nor poor, 2 = fairly poor, I = very poor.

  1. To what extent are your needs satisfied by the pay and benefits you receive?

Possible responses are 1 = almost none of my needs are satisfied, 2 = very few of my needs are satisfied, 3 = a few of my needsare satisfied, 4 = many of my needs are satisfied, 5 = almost all of my needsare satisfied

  1. Considering what it costs to live in this area, my pay is:

Possible responses are 1 = very inadequate, 2 = inadequate, 3 = barely adequate, 4 = adequate, 5 = more than adequate.

  1. Does the way pay is handled around here make it worthwhile for a person to work especially hard?

Possible responses are 5 = it definitely encourages hard work, 4 = it tends to encourage hard work, 3 = it makes little difference, 2 = it tends to discourage hard work, I = it definitely discourages hard work.

  1. How does the amount of money you now make influence your overall attitude toward your job?

Possible responses are 5 = it has a very favorable influence, 4 = it has a fairly favorable influence, 3 = it has no influence one way or the other, 2 = it has a slightly unfavorable influence, 1 = it has a very unfavorable influence.

Career future items:

  1. How do you feel about your future with this organization?

Possible responses are 1=/am very worried about it, 2 = I am somewhat worried about it, 3 = I have mixed feelings about it, 4 = /feel good about it, 5 = I feel very good about it.

  1. How do your feelings about your future with the company influence your overall attitude toward your job?

Possible responses are 5 = they have a very favorable influence, 4 = they have a favorable influence, 3 = they have no influence one way or the other, 2 = they have a slightly unfavorable influence, I = they have a very unfavorable influence.

  1. The way my future with the company looks to me now:

Possible responses are 5 = hard work seems very worthwhile, 4 = hard work seems fairly worthwhile, 3 = hard work seems worthwhile, 2 = hard work hardly seems worthwhile, I = hard work seems almost worth­ less.

  1. Do you feel you are getting ahead in the company?

Possible responses are 5 = I’m making a great deal of progress, 4 = I’m making some progress, 3 = I’m not sure, 2 = I’m making very little prog­ ress, 1 = I’m making no progress.

  1. How secure are you in your present job?

Possible responses are 1 = /feel very uneasy about it, 2 = /feel fairly un­ easy about it, 3 = /feel somewhat uneasy about it, 4 = /feel fairly sure of it, 5 = I feel very sure of it.
