Risk Assessment Survey for Home Healthcare Nurses


As part of a larger study of bloodborne pathogen risk in non-hospital-based nurses, Gershon and colleagues (2008) developed this measure to collect data from 72 home health care nurses to identify risk of blood/body fluid exposure.

Author of Tool:

Gershon, R. R., Pogorzelska, M., Qureshi, K. A., & Sherman, M.

Key references:

Gershon, R. R., Pogorzelska, M., Qureshi, K. A., & Sherman, M. (2008). Home health care registered nurses and the risk of percutaneous injuries: A pilot study. Am J Infect Control. 36, 165-72.

Primary use / Purpose:

This 152-item self-administered questionnaire was designed to assess occupational risk, specifically, risk of percutaneous injuries in home health care nurses.


Risk Assessment Survey for Home Healthcare Nurses
