Revised Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM-R)

Revised Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM-R)
Phinney‚ J. (1992). Phinney‚ J.‚ & Ong‚ A. (2007)
(Phinney‚ 2007)
There should be two open-ended questions after these six items about the respondent’s and parents’ ethnicity. These items are not used in the scoring of the scale but only used to identify the respondent’s ethnicity.
1. I have spent time trying to find out more about my ethnic group‚ such as its history‚ traditions‚ and customs.
2. I have a strong sense of belonging to my own ethnic group.
3. I understand pretty well what my ethnic group membership means to me.
4. I have often done things that will help me understand my ethnic background better.
5. I have often talked to other people in order to learn more about my ethnic group.
6. I feel a strong attachment towards my own ethnic group.
(Phinney‚ 1999)
Please fill in: In terms of ethnic group‚ I consider myself to be ______________________
Use the numbers below to indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.
1. I have spent time trying to find out more about my ethnic group‚ such as its history‚ traditions‚ and customs.
2. I am active in organizations or social groups that include mostly members of my own ethnic group.
3. I have a clear sense of ethnic background and what it means for me.
4. I think a lot about how my life will be affected by my ethnic group membership.
5. I am happy that I am a member of the group I belong to.
6. I have a strong sense of belonging to my own ethnic group.
7. I understand pretty well what my ethnic group membership means to me.
8. In order to learn more about my ethnic background‚ I have often talked to other people about my ethnic group.
9. I have a lot of pride in my ethnic group.
10. I participate in cultural practices of my own group‚ such as special food‚ music‚ or customs.
11. I feel a strong attachment towards my own ethnic group.
12. I feel good about my cultural or ethnic background.
13. My ethnicity is
(1) Asian or Asian American‚ including Chinese‚ Japanese‚ and others
(2) Black or African American
(3) Hispanic or Latino‚ including Mexican American‚ Central American‚ and others.
(4) White‚ Caucasian‚ Anglo‚ European American; not Hispanic
(5) American Indian/Native American
(6) Mixed; Parents are from two different groups
(7) Other (write in): _____________________________________
14. My father’s ethnicity is (use numbers above)
15. My mother’s ethnicity is (use numbers above) background.
*Items 6‚ 7‚ and 15 are not part of Phinney’s 1999 version
  • Ethnic
  • Socialization
This instrument can be found on pages 148-150 of Latino Families and Youth: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
Point values are assigned as follows:
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree

Phinney‚ J. (1992). The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure: A new scale for use with adolescents and young adults from diverse groups. Journal of Adolescent Research‚ 7‚ 156-176.

Phinney‚ J.‚ & Ong‚ A. (2007). Conceptualization and measurement of ethnic identity: Current status and future directions. Journal of Counseling Psychology‚ 54‚ 271-281.

Roberts‚ R.‚ Phinney‚ J.‚ Masse‚ L.‚ Chen‚ Y.‚ Roberts‚ C.‚ & Romero‚ A. (1999). The structure of ethnic identity in young adolescents from diverse ethnocultural groups. Journal of Early Adolescence‚ 19‚ 301-322.

Smith‚ V. (2002). La Escala de Identidad Etnica Multigrupo (EIEM) en el context costarricense. Actualidades en Psicología‚ 18(105)‚ 47.
