Inventory of Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services (IASMHS)

1. There are certain problems which should not be discussed outside of one’s immediate family.
2. I would have a very good idea of what to do and who to talk to if I decided to seek professional help for psychological problems.
3. I would not want my significant other (spouse‚ partner‚ etc.) to know if I were suffering from psychological problems.
4. Keeping one’s mind on a job is a good solution for avoiding personal worries and concerns.
5. If good friends asked my advice about a psychological problem‚ I might recommend that they see a professional.
6. ha‎ving been mentally ill carries with it a burden of shame.
7. It is probably best not to know everything about oneself.
8. If I were experiencing a serious psychological problem at this point in my life‚ I would be confident that I could find relief in psychotherapy.
9. People should work out their own problems; getting professional help should be a last resort.
10. If I were to experience psychological problems‚ I could get professional help if I wanted to.
11. Important people in my life would think less of me if they were to find out that I was experiencing psychological problems.
12. Psychological problems‚ like many things‚ tend to work out by themselves.
13. It would be relatively easy for me to find the time to see a professional for psychological problems.
14. There are experiences in my life I would not discuss with anyone.
15. I would want to get professional help if I were worried or upset for a long period of time.
16. I would be uncomfortable seeking professional help for psychological problems because people in my social or business circles might find out about it.
17. ha‎ving been diagnosed with a mental disorder is a blot on a person’s life.
18. There is something admirable in the attitude of people who are willing to cope with their conflicts and fears without resorting to professional help.
19. If I believed I were ha‎ving a mental breakdown‚ my first inclination would be to get professional attention.
20. I would feel uneasy going to a professional because of what some people would think.
21. People with strong ch‎aracters can get over psychological problems by themselves and wouldhave little need for professional help.
22. I would willingly confide intimate matters to an appropriate person if I thought it might help me or a member of my family.
23. Had I received treatment for psychological problems‚ I would not feel that it ought to be “covered up.”
24. I would be embarrassed if my neighbor saw me going into the office of a professional who deals with psychological problems..
Psychological Openness; Help-Seeking Propensity‚Indifference to Stigma
This instrument can be found on pages 99-101 of ““The Relationship between Gender Role Conflict and Attitudes towards Help-Seeking: What is the Role of Maladaptive Coping?”  Available online at: 
0= disagree‚ 1=somewhat disagree‚ 2=are undecided‚ 3=somewhat agree‚ 4=agree 

Mackenzie‚ C.S.‚ Gekoski‚ W.L.‚ & Knox‚ V.J. (2006). Age‚ gender‚ and the underutilization of mental health services: The influence of help-seeking attitudes. Aging & Mental Health‚ 10‚ 574-582.

Mackenzie‚ C.S.‚ Knox‚ V.J.‚ Gekoski‚ W.L.‚ & Macaulay‚ H. (2004). An adaptation and extension of the attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help scale. Journal of Applied Social Psychology‚ 34‚ 2410-2433.

Adams. David F‚ (2010). The Relationship between Gender Role Conflict and Attitudes towards Help-Seeking: What is the Role of Maladaptive Coping? Ball State University Muncie‚ INDIANA. M.A. thesis
