Hope Replenishing System Questions

Directions: On the lines below‚ please mark a “Y” for Yes or an “N” for No when answeringeach question.
1. ________Within in the last three weeks have you read a good book or gone to a movie?
2. ________Have you had a vacation in the last year?
3. ________Within the last week have you had a good belly laugh?
4. ________Within the last month have you worked on a creative project?
5. ________Within the last three months‚ have you spent money on yourself?
6. ________Within the last week have you exercised?
7. ________Within the next 6 months‚ have you planned something that you are lookingforward to doing?
8. ________Within the last month have you had a long chat with a good friend?
9. ________Within the last week have you had a nap or slept in?
10. ________Within the last month have you allowed yourself to have a good cry?
11. ________Within the last two weeks have you delegated one of your work tasks to ahelper?
12. ________Within the last week have you done nothing at all for a little while?
13. ________Within the last week have you attended a spiritual or worship activity?
14. ________Within the last month have you pampered yourself with a good bath‚ haircut‚manicure‚ or a pedicure.
15. ________ Within in the last month have you had a break‚ respite‚ long weekend‚ or aweek off?
Number you answered yes to.
You’re cool as a cucumber.
You’re Peachy.
You’re mixed fruit‚ a fruit salad‚ or a fruit medley.
You’re a prickly pear‚ or a lemon.
8= 53%
You’re a bad apple‚ squashed out applesauce‚bananas.