Hope in Children

The University of Kansas‚ Lawrence
1. I think I am doing pretty well.
2. I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are most important to me.
3. I am doing just as well as other kids my age.
4. When I have a problem‚ I can come up with lots of ways to solve it.
5. I think the things I have done in the past will help me in the future.
6. Even when others want to quit‚ I know that I can find ways to solve the problem.
Notes: When administered to children‚ this scale is not labeled “The Children’s Hope Scale‚” but is called “Questions About Your Goals.
This instrument can be found on page 26 of Measuring Hope in Children “Hope is our children’s window for a better tomorrow” at http://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Child_Trends-2003_03_12_PD_PDConfSnyder.pdf
“None of the time” =1; “A little of the time” = 2; “Some of the time” = 3; “A lot of the time” = 4; “Most of the time” = 5; and‚ “All of the time” =6

Snyder‚ C. R.‚ Sympson‚ S. C.‚ Ybasco‚ F. C.‚ Borders‚ T. F.‚ Babyak‚ M. A.‚ & Higgins‚ R. L.(1996). Development and validation of the State Hope Scale. Journal of Personality andSocial Psychology‚ 70‚ 321-335.

Snyder‚ C. R. (2000). Genesis: The birth and growth of hope. In C. R. Snyder (Ed.)‚ Handbook ofhope: Theory‚ measures‚ and applications (pp. 25-38). San Diego‚ CA: Academic Press.

Snyder‚ C. R. (2002). Hope theory: Rainbows of the mind. Psychological Inquiry‚ 13‚ 249-275.
