Adolescent Pain Questionnaire (BAPQ)


As chronic pain can have widespread negative impacts in an adolescent’s lifestyle and development, Ath Adolescent Pain Questionnaire – adolescent report (BAPQ) and parent report (BAPQ-P) can be used in both research and clinical settings. The availability of alternate adolescent and parent report forms can be an advantage in many cases.


Reliability and validity of the adolescent-report form is discussed in Eccleston, Jordan, McCracken, Sleed, Connell & Clinch (2005) while
Eccleston, McCracken, Jordan and Sleed (2007) deals with the psychometric properties of the parent-report form.

Author of Tool:

Eccleston, Jordan, McCracken, Sleed, Connell & Clinch

Key references:

Eccleston C, Jordan A, McCracken L, Sleed, M, Connell, H, Clinch, J (2005) The Bath Adolescent Pain Questionnaire (BAPQ): Development and preliminary psychometric evaluation of an instrument to assess the impact of chronic pain on adolescents. Pain, 118, 263-270.

Eccleston C, McCracken LM, Jordan, A, Sleed, M. (2007) Development and preliminary psychometric evaluation of the parent report version of the Bath Adolescent Pain Questionnaire (BAPQ-P): a multidimensional parent report instrument to assess the impact of chronic pain on adolescents. Pain, 131; 48-56.

Primary use / Purpose:

The measure assesses the impact of chronic pain in adolescence in terms of physical, psychological and social functioning. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of a case of adolescent pain, responses may be taken from both adolescent report and parent report forms, or alternatively the parent form may be used where self-report is not possible.

Bath Adolescent Pain Questionnaire (BAPQ)

This questionnaire asks you about different ways in which pain affects your life. There are no right or wrong answers, but please try to be as accurate as you can. Please read each question carefully. Do not spend too much time on any one question. It is very important that you answer all the questions. 

“Enabling people to reduce the impact of pain on their lives and influencing society’s attitude to pain.”

  Section One

There are many possible ways that pain can affect the lives of young people. Below are some statements that may or may not apply to you. Please read each statement and put a cross in the box (x) under the word that describes how often you have experienced each of these things in the LAST TWO WEEKS. Please make sure that you answer all questions.

In this section, tell us about your social life and relationships you have with people.

  • never
  • hardly ever
  • sometimes
  • often
  • always
  1. I go out and meet friends
  2. I spend time talking to people
  3. I enjoy social activities
  4. I feel distant from my friends
  5. I have difficulty spending time with groups of people
  6. I stay in touch with my friends
  7. I feel like my friends don’t want to see me
  8. I go to movies, concerts, or clubs
  9. I miss out on chances to spend time with other people

  Section Two

Please tell us about activities that you take part in and difficulties you may have.

  1. I need help with dressing or bathing
  2. I can walk up a normal flight of stairs
  3. I lie down and rest during the day
  4. I walk only with crutches, a stick, or help from another person
  5. I get out of the house by myself
  6. I need help with certain movements (like getting out of a car or bathtub)
  7. I walk normally
  8. I do physical, recreational or fun activities
  9. I lift heavy objects

  Section Three

In this section, we are interested in knowing about your feelings and other experiences you may be having.

  1. I feel sad
  2. I feel hopeless about the future
  3. I find it hard to concentrate
  4. I feel discouraged
  5. I think about myself in a negative way
  6. I feel that everything I do is an effort

  Section Four

Please tell us about any general worries or feelings that you may have.

  1. I worry about the future
  2. I feel nervous
  3. I have feelings of panic
  4. I feel at ease
  5. I feel shaky
  6. I feel physically tense
  7. I am afraid

  Section Five

Please tell us about any specific worries or concerns you have about your pain

  1. I worry about my pain problem
  2. I avoid activities that cause pain
  3. When I think about my pain, it makes me upset
  4. Pain scares me
  5. I worry that I will do something to make my pain worse
  6. When I have pain, I think something harmful is happening
  7. I am afraid to move due to pain

  Section Six

In this section, we would like you to tell us about your family life.

  1. Family life is stressful
  2. We do fun activity as a family
  3. There are fights between members of my family
  4. My parent seems worried
  5. I feel close to other family members
  6. My family is happy
  7. I am unhappy about my family life
  8. Our family routines are disrupted
  9. My family is functioning very well
  10. Family activities get interrupted by my pain
  11. There is conflict in my home
  12. We have to change or cancel plans

  Section Seven

In this section we are interested in knowing how you see yourself and the things you do compared with other people the same age as you. Please read each statement carefully and THINK OF EACH ONE IN RELATION TO OTHER PEOPLE YOUR AGE.

It is important you answer every question, even if it doesn’t seem to apply to somebody of your age. Remember, 11 and 18 year olds do things very differently, so it is important that you compare yourself with others of the same age.

For example, if you have completed school and your progress while you were at school was about the same as most people your age, you would tick “same” for Question 1, but if you felt your progress was very behind others of the same age, you would tick “very behind”.

  1. My progress in school
  2. My overall confidence around other people
  3. My plans for the future
  4. How often I do things without parents around
  5. My overall independence
  6. How often I chose my own clothes and other personal items
  7. My ability to go on dates with boyfriends/girlfriends
  8. The development of my own sense of identity
  9. My ability to handle my feelings
  10. My ability to fit in with friends
  11. How I deal with problems

    Section Eight

In the space below please tell us about anything else you feel is important for us to know about how your pain impacts on your life.











Bath Adolescent Pain Questionnaire for Parents (BAPQ-P)

Section One

There are many possible ways that pain can affect the lives of young people. Below are some statements that may or may not apply to your child. Please read each statement and put a cross in the box (x) under the word that describes how often your child has experienced each of these things in the LAST TWO WEEKS. Please make sure that you answer all questions.

In this section, tell us about your child’s social life and relationships your child has with people.

  • never
  • hardly ever
  • sometimes
  • often
  • always
  1. My child goes out and meets friends
  2. My child spends time talking to people
  3. My child enjoys social activities
  4. My child feels distant from his/her friends
  5. My child has difficulty spending time with groups of people
  6. My child stays in touch with his/her friends
  7. My child feels like his/her friends don’t want to see him/her
  8. My child goes to movies, concerts or clubs
  9. My child misses out on chances to spend time with other people

Section Two

Please tell us about activities that your child takes part in and difficulties your child may have.

  1. My child needs help with dressing or bathing
  2. My child can walk up a normal flight of stairs
  3. My child lies down and rests during the day
  4. My child walks only with crutches, a stick, or help from another person
  5. My child gets out of the house by himself/herself
  6. My child needs help with certain movements (like getting out of the car or bathtub)
  7. My child walks normally
  8. My child does physical, recreational or fun activities
  9. My child lifts heavy objects

Section Three

In this section, we are interested in knowing about your child’s feelings and other experiences your child may be having.

  1. My child feels sad
  2. My child feels hopeless about the future
  3. My child finds it hard to concentrate
  4. My child feels discouraged
  5. My child thinks about himself/herself in a negative way
  6. My child feels that everything he/she does is an effort

Section Four

Please tell us about any general worries or feelings that your child may have.

  1. My child worries about the future
  2. My child feels nervous
  3. My child has feelings of panic
  4. My child feels at ease
  5. My child feels shaky
  6. My child feels physically tense
  7. My child is afraid

Section Five

Please tell us about any specific worries or concerns your child has about his/her pain

  1. My child worries about his/her pain problem
  2. My child avoids activities that cause pain
  3. When my child thinks about his/her pain, it makes him/her upset
  4. Pain scares my child
  5. My child worries that he/she will do something to make his/her pain worse
  6. When my child has pain, he/she thinks something harmful is happening
  7. My child is afraid to move due to pain

Section Six

In this section, we would like you to tell us about your child’s family life.

  1. My child feels that family life is stressful
  2. My child thinks that we do fun activity as a family
  3. My child feels that there are fights between members of my family
  4. My child thinks I am worried
  5. My child feels close to other family members
  6. My child feels that our family is happy
  7. My child is unhappy about his/her family life
  8. My child thinks that our family routines are disrupted
  9. My child feels that our family is functioning very well
  10. My child thinks that family activities get interrupted by his/her pain
  11. My child thinks that there is conflict in our home
  12. My child feels that we have to change or cancel plans

Section Seven

In this section we are interested in knowing how your child sees himself/herself and the things your child does compared with other people the same age as your child. Please read each statement carefully and THINK OF EACH ONE IN RELATION TO OTHER PEOPLE YOUR CHILD’S AGE.

It is important you answer every question, even if it doesn’t   seem to apply to somebody of your child’s age. Remember, 11- and 18-year old’s do things very differently, so it is important that you compare your child with others of the same age.

For example, if your child has completed school and your child’s progress whilst they were at school was about the same as most people their age, you would tick “same” for Question   1, but if you felt your child’s progress was very behind others of the same age, you would tick “very behind”.

  1. My child’s progress in school
  2. My child’s overall confidence around other people
  3. My child’s plans for the future
  4. How often my child does things without parents around
  5. My child’s overall independence
  6. How often my child chooses his/her own clothes and other personal items
  7. My child’s ability to go on dates with boyfriends / girlfriends
  8. The development of my child’s own sense of identity
  9. My child’s ability to handle his/her own feelings
  10. My child’s ability to fit in with friends
  11. How my child deals with problems

  Section Eight

In the space below please tell us about anything else you feel is important for us to know about how pain impacts on your child’s life.










