Predominance of one side of the body over the other, resulting in the preferred use and superior functioning of either the left or the right side as a whole.The concept of laterality arose out of the fact that positive correlations have been found between hand preference, foot preference, and eye preference. These three functions, however, are not equally related: hand and foot dominance are more closely associated than hand and eye dominance.About one out of three people are right-handed and left-eyed or left- handed and right-eyed. This situation is termed “crossed dominance.” Dominance is said to be “incomplete” when no established preference is shown for either side. The term “mixed dominance” includes both crossed and incomplete dominance, and is thought to be one of the causes of both reading disability and stuttering.Lateral dominance can be tested with readily obtainable materials. In the Harris Tests of Lateral Dominance, hand dominance is determined by ball-throwing, hammering, cutting with scissors, dealing cards, writing, etc.; eye dominance, by looking through a kaleidoscope and sighting a rifle; foot dominance, by kicking or pretending to stamp out a fire. Ear dominance has been found in many cases but is considered relatively unimportant. See READING DISABILITY, DIRECTIONAL CONFUSION, HANDEDNESS, STREPHOSYMBOLIA.

