How to Save and Load RDA Files in R?

In R, you can save and load RDA files using the saveRDS and readRDS functions. The saveRDS function allows you to save a single R object to an RDA file. The readRDS function will then allow you to read the RDA file and load the object into your R workspace. This is a convenient way to save and load data in R.

Files that end with an .rda extension represent Rdata files.

You can use the save() function to save these types of files in R:

save(df, file='my_data.rda')

And you can use the load() function to load these types of files in R:


The following example shows how to use each of these functions in practice.

Example: Save and Load RDA Files in R

Suppose we create the following data frame in R:

#make this example reproducible

#create data frame
df <- data.frame(x=rnorm(100),

#view data frame

           x          y          z
1  1.2629543  0.7818592 -1.0457177
2 -0.3262334 -0.7767766 -0.8962113
3  1.3297993 -0.6159899  1.2693872
4  1.2724293  0.0465803  0.5938409
5  0.4146414 -1.1303858  0.7756343
6 -1.5399500  0.5767188  1.5573704

We can use the save() function to save this data frame to an .rda file:

This file will automatically be saved in the current working directory. You can find the working directory by using the getwd() function:

#display working directory


Now suppose we use the rm() function to remove the data frame from the current R environment:

#remove data frame from current R environment

If we look at our current environment in RStudio, we’ll see that it doesn’t contain any objects:

We can then use the load() function to load the .rda file into the current R environment:


If we look at the current environment again in RStudio, we’ll see that it now contains the data frame:

The following tutorials explain how to read other types of files in R:
