How to plot a CDF in Excel?

To plot a Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) in Excel, first enter the data in two columns, one for the data values and one for the cumulative frequencies. Then create a chart by selecting the data points, choosing the ‘scatter’ chart type, and selecting the ‘smooth line’ or ‘line’ chart sub-type. Finally, right click on the chart and select ‘Add Trendline’ to add a cumulative distribution line to the chart.

A cumulative distribution function (CDF) describes the probability that a random variable takes on a value less than or equal to some number.

We can use the following function in Excel to calculate cumulative distribution probabilities:


The following example shows how to calculate and plot a CDF in Excel.

Example: Calculate & Plot CDF in Excel

First, let’s create the following dataset in Excel:

Next, let’s specify the mean and standard deviation of the distribution:

Next, we can calculate the cumulative distribution probability for the first value in the dataset by using the following formula:

=NORM.DIST(A2, $F$1, $F$2, TRUE)

Next, we can copy and paste this formula down to every other cell in column B:

The CDF is now complete. The way we interpret the values is as follows:

  • The probability that the random variable will take on a value equal to or less than 6 is .00135.
  • The probability that the random variable will take on a value equal to or less than 7 is .00383.
  • The probability that the random variable will take on a value equal to or less than 8 is .00982.

And so on.

The values along the x-axis show the values from the dataset and the values along the y-axis show the CDF values.
