How to Add & Subtract Days in Google Sheets (With Examples)

Adding and subtracting days in Google Sheets is a simple process. You can use the DATE function to easily add or subtract any number of days to/from a given date. To do this, you simply enter the starting date, the number of days to add/subtract, and the DATE function calculates the resulting date. You can also use the EDATE function to add/subtract months from a given date. These functions can be used to quickly calculate future or past dates in your spreadsheet with just a few clicks.

We can use the following simple formulas to add or subtract days to a date in Google Sheets:

#add 10 days to the date in cell A2

#subtract 10 days from the date in cell A2

And we can use the following formulas to add or subtract workdays (Monday through Friday) to a date:

#add 10 workdays to the date in cell A2
=workday(A2, 10)

#subtract 10 workdays from the date in cell A2
=workday(A2, -10)

The following examples show how to use each of these formulas in practice.

Example 1: Add & Subtract Days in Google Sheets

Suppose we have the following list of dates in Google Sheets:

We can use the following formula to add 10 days to each date:

And we can use the following formula to subtract 10 days from each date:

Example 2: Add & Subtract Workdays in Google Sheets

In some scenarios, we may only want to add or subtract workdays to dates in Google Sheets. Fortunately we can use the workday() function to do so.

The following formula shows how to add 10 workdays to each date:

And the following formula shows how to subtract 10 workdays from each date:


The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations in Google Sheets:
