How do I split text into rows?

Splitting text into rows involves using a text editor such as Microsoft Word or a specialized text-splitting tool to separate the text into individual lines. Depending on the tool, this can be done manually by inserting line breaks or by using a delimiter such as a comma or tab to divide the text into separate rows. The end result will be a text document or spreadsheet with each row containing a single line of text.

You can use the following formula in Google Sheets to split the text in a cell into rows:


This particular example will split the text in cell A2 into rows, using a space as a delimiter.

If the text in your cell is separated by a different delimiter, such as a comma, you can use the following formula instead:


And if you have multiple cells with text that you’d like to split into rows, you can wrap an ARRAYFORMULA around the SPLIT function:


The following examples shows how to use each of these formulas in practice.

Example 1: Split Text into Rows (Space Delimiter)

Suppose we have the following cell in Google Sheets that contains several text values separated by spaces:

We can type the following formula into cell B2 to split the text in cell A2 into several rows:


The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

Google Sheets split text into rows

Notice that the text in cell A2 has been split into rows.

Example 2: Split Text into Rows (Comma Delimiter)


The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

Notice that the text in cell A2 has been split into rows.

Example 3: Split Multiple Cells with Text into Rows

Suppose we have a column of cells in Google Sheets that each contain several text values separated by spaces:

We can type the following formula into cell C2 to split the text in each of the cells in column A into rows:


The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

Google Sheets split text in several cells into rows

Notice that the text in each cell in column A has been split into rows.

Also notice that the formula works even though each cell in column A doesn’t have the same number of text values.
