How can I plot X vs. Y in Google Sheets?

To plot X vs. Y in Google Sheets, first select the two columns of data containing the X and Y values. Then, click on the “Insert” menu and select “Chart” from the drop-down list. Choose the type of chart you want to create and click “Insert.” The chart will appear on the sheet, and you can customize it by editing the data range, adding titles and labels, and adjusting the formatting options. This feature allows you to easily visualize the relationship between X and Y values in a visually appealing and organized manner.

Plot X vs. Y in Google Sheets (With Example)

Often you may want to create a plot of X vs. Y data points in Google Sheets, such as the following plot:

plot X vs. Y in Google Sheets

Fortunately this is easy to do and the following step-by-step example shows how to do so.

Step 1: Enter the Data

First, let’s enter the following dataset in Google Sheets:

Step 2: Insert a Scatter Chart

Next, we will create a scatter chart to visualize the values in the dataset.

To do so, highlight the cells in the range A2:B14, then click the Insert tab along the top ribbon, then click Chart:

In the Chart editor panel on the right side of the screen, click the Setup tab, then click the dropdown arrow under Chart type, then click the Scatter icon:

This will create the following scatter chart:

The x-axis displays the x-values and the y-axis displays the y-values from the dataset.

Step 3: Customize the Chart (Optional)

If you’d like, you can click the Customize tab in the Chart editor panel to customize various aspects of the chart.

For example, we may add a title to the chart and modify the size and color of the points:

plot X vs. Y in Google Sheets

Feel free to modify your own scatter chart to make it look however you would like.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Google Sheets:
