How can I limit a Power BI chart to only display the top 10 values?

To limit a Power BI chart to only display the top 10 values, you can use the “Top N” filter option. This allows you to specify the number of top values you want to display in the chart. Alternatively, you can also use the “Sort by Column” feature to sort the data in descending order and then use the “Filter” option to display the top 10 values. This will help in showcasing the most relevant and important data in the chart, making it easier to analyze and understand the information being presented.

Power BI: Only Show Top 10 Values in Chart

Often you may only want to display the top 10 (or top n) values in a chart in Power BI.

Fortunately this is easy to do by using the Top N visual level filter in Power BI.

The following example shows how to use this filter in practice.

Example: How to Only Show Top 10 Values in Chart in Power BI

Suppose we have the following bar chart in Power BI that displays the points scored by basketball players on various teams:

Currently the chart shows the points scored by all 14 players in our table.

However, suppose that we would only like to display the players with the top 10 points scored.

To do so, click the bar chart to make it active.

Then click the dropdown arrow next to Team under the Filters tab.

Then click the dropdown arrow under Filter type and choose Top N.

Then type 10 under Show items.

Then drag the Points field to to the By value area.

Lastly, click Apply filter:

Once you click Apply filter, the bar chart will be filtered to only show the players with the top 10 points scored:

Power BI only show top 10 values in chart

Also note that you could type any number you’d like next to Show items to show a different number of bars instead.

For example, if we typed 5 then only the players with the top 5 points values would be shown:

Note: To show the bottom 10 values instead, simply click Bottom under the Show items dropdown menu.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Power BI:
