How can I add months to a date in Power BI?

Adding months to a date in Power BI is a simple process that allows users to manipulate and analyze their data in a more precise and comprehensive manner. By utilizing the built-in Power BI functions, users can easily add a desired number of months to a given date and generate new data points. This feature is particularly useful for forecasting and trend analysis, as it allows users to project data over a specific time period. With just a few steps, users can add months to a date in Power BI and enhance their data analysis capabilities.

Add Months to Date in Power BI (With Example)

You can use the EDATE function in DAX to add a certain number of months to a date in Power BI.

This function uses the following syntax:

EDATE(start_date, months)


  • start_date: The starting date (in a valid date format)
  • months: An integer that represents the number of months to add

For example, you could use the following formula to create a new column named Add Four Months that adds four months to the existing Date column in a table named my_data:

Add Four Months = EDATE('my_data'[Date], 4) 

The following example shows how to use this formula in practice.

Example: How to Add Months to Date in Power BI

Suppose we have the following table named my_data in Power BI that contains information about sales made on various dates by some company:

Suppose that we would like to create a new column that adds four months to each date in the Date column.

To do so, click the Table tools tab, then click the icon called New column:

Then type the following formula into the formula bar:

Add Four Months = EDATE('my_data'[Date], 4)

This will create a new column named Add Four Months that adds four months to each date in the existing Date column:

Power BI add months to date

Note that you could also subtract a specific number of months by using the following syntax:

Subtract Four Months = EDATE('my_data'[Date], -4)

This will create a new column named Subtract Four Months that subtracts four months from each date in the existing Date column:

Power BI subtract months from date

Feel free to replace the 4 in the formula to add or subtract however many months you would like from an existing date column.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the EDATE function in DAX .

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Power BI:
