Does anyone know how can I calculate Cohen’s Kappa with R?

Cohen’s Kappa is a measure of the degree of agreement between two or more raters in the context of categorical data. To calculate Cohen’s Kappa with R, you can use the “irr” package which contains functions to calculate Cohen’s Kappa and other measures of inter-rater agreement. The “irr” package is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) and can be installed with the command install.packages(“irr”). Once the “irr” package is installed, you can use the kappa2() function to calculate Cohen’s Kappa.

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measures the level of agreement between two raters or judges who each classify items into mutually exclusive categories. The formula for Cohen’s kappa is calculated as:
k = (po – pe) / (1 – pe)
  • po: Relative observed agreement among raters
  • pe: Hypothetical probability of chance agreement
To find Cohen’s kappa between two raters, simply fill in the boxes below and then click the “Calculate” button.

Cohen’s Kappa: 0.2857

function calc() {
//get input values
var bothyes = document.getElementById(‘bothyes’).value*1;
var bothno = document.getElementById(‘bothno’).value*1;
var yes1 = document.getElementById(‘yes1’).value*1;
var yes2 = document.getElementById(‘yes2’).value*1;

//calculate stuff
var n = bothyes-(-1*bothno)-(-1*yes1)-(-1*yes2)
var po = (bothyes-(-1*bothno))/n;
var pe_1 = ((bothyes-(-1*yes1))/n) * ((bothyes-(-1*yes2))/n);
var pe_2 = ((n-yes1-bothyes)/n)*((n-yes2-bothyes)/n);
var pe = pe_1 – (-1*pe_2);
var k = (po-pe)/(1-pe);

document.getElementById(‘k’).innerHTML = k.toFixed(4);
