Y-BOCS Symptom Checklist (Y-BOCS-SC)


This is a clinician rated checklist. Ensure the patient knows the difference between obsessions and compulsions and ask them about each category of symptoms below. If they have experienced a symptom in the current week (7 days), select “Current”. If they are not currently experiencing symptoms but have in the past then select past “Past”. In general, the response is guided by the patient’s report; however, the final rating is based on the clinical judgement of the interviewer.

Past Current
— Contamination Obsessions —

Concerns or disgust with bodily waste or secretions

1 2
Concerned with dirt or germs 1 2
Excessive concern with environmental contaminants 1 2
Excessive concern with household items (cleaners) 1 2
Bothered by sticky substances or residues 1 2
Concerned will get ill (eg, AIDS) 1 2
Concerned will get others ill by spreading germs 1 2

Past Current
Somatic obsessions 1 2
Other contamination obsessions
— Aggressive Obsessions — Violent or horrific images 1 2
Fear with act on unwanted impulses (eg, to stab friend) 1 2
Fear will harm others because not careful enough (eg, hit and run motor vehicle accident, putting poison in food) 1 2
Fear will be responsible for something else terrible happening (eg, fire, burglary) 1 2
Other Aggressive Obsessions
— Sexual Obsessions —

Personally unacceptable sexual thoughts

1 2
— Religious Obsessions (Scrupulosity) — Concerned with sacrilege and blasphemy 1 2
Excess concern with right and wrong, morality 1 2

Past Current
— Hoarding/Saving Obsessions —

Collects useless items, eg, old newspapers (distinguish from hobbies; concern with objects of monetary or sentimental value)

1 2
Concerned with losing or throwing out items by mistake 1 2
Other hoarding/saving obsessions
— Pathological Doubt —

After completing routine activities, doubts whether performed or not (eg, whether signed check to pay bill)

1 2
Other pathological doubts
— Obsession With Need for Symmetry or Exactness — Bothered by things not being lined up or being in order 1 2
Other symmetry/exactness obsessions
— Other Obsessions —

Superstitious fear (eg, luck or unlucky numbers or colors)

1 2
Any other obsessions
— Cleaning/Washing Compulsions — Excessive or ritualized hand washing 1 2

Past Current
Excessive or ritualized showering, bathing, tooth brushing, grooming 1 2
Cleaning of household items or other inanimate objects 1 2
Other measurers to prevent or remove contact with contaminants 1 2
Other cleaning/washing compulsions
— Checking Compulsions — Checking that did not harm others 1 2
Checking locks, stove, appliances, water faucets, emergency brake 1 2
Checking that did not make mistake (eg, balancing checkbooks over and over) 1 2
Checking tied to somatic obsessions (eg, checking self for signs of cancer) 1 2
Other checking compulsions
— Repeating Rituals — Repeating or rewriting 1 2

Past Current
Repeats same questions 1 2
Need to repeat routine activities (eg(eg, in and out door) 1 2
Other repeating rituals
— Hoarding/Collecting Compulsions —

Inspecting household trash and accumulating useless objects

1 2
— Ordering/Arranging Compulsions —

Lines up clothes, canned goods, shoes in fixed order

1 2
Need for symmetry (eg, shoelaces must be at same tension, socks at same height) 1 2
Can’t complete activity until “just right” 1 2
— Other Compulsions —

Mental rituals (eg, silently reciting prayers to neutralize a bad thought)

1 2
Counting compulsions (eg, count ceiling tiles) 1 2
Excessive list making 1 2

Past Current
Pathological slowness (pervades most routine activities) 1 2
Need to tell, ask, confess 1 2
Need to touch, tap, or rub 1 2
Superstitious behaviors (eg, stepping on sidewalk cracks, bedtime rituals) 1 2
Asking for reassurance over and over 1 2
Self-damaging behaviours 1 2
Rituals involving blinking or staring 1 2
Any other compulsions


The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Symptom Checklist is a clinician rated checklist designed to guide a structured interview to determine the target symptoms for treatment. There are 55 questions asking about both obsessions and compulsions.
Validity and Reliability
The assessment a structured interview.


A list of past and current symptoms are provided which are used to determine target obsessions and compulsions in treatment. A score between 0 and 110 is given where the patient receives 1 point for past symptoms and 2 points for current symptoms. This score is not the primary method for interpretation and looking at the specific answers provides the most meaningful clinical picture.


Number Of Questions

