Valued Living Questionnaire Version 2

POSSIBILITY: How possible is it that something very meaningful could happen in this area of your life? Rate how possible you think it is on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 means that it is not at all possible at all‚ and 10 means that it is very possible.
CURRENT IMPORTANCE: How important is this area at this time in your life? Rate the importance on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 means the area is not at all important‚ and 10 means that the area is very important.
OVERALL IMPORTANCE: How important is this area in your life as a whole? Rate the importance on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 means that the area is not at all important‚ and 10 means that the area is very important.
ACTION: How much have you acted in the service of this area during the past week? Rate your level of action on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 means you have not been active at all with this value‚ and 10 means you have been very active with this value.
SATISFIED WITH LEVEL OF ACTION: How satisfied are you with your level of action in this area during the past week? Rate your satisfaction with your level of action on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 means you are not at all satisfied‚ and 10 means you are completely satisfi ed with your level of action in this area.
CONCERN: How concerned are you that this area will not progress as you want? Rate your level of concern on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 means that you are not at all concerned‚ and 10 means that you are very concerned.
Possibility‚ Current Importance‚ Overall Importance‚ Action Satisfied With Action‚ Concern
1.    Family (other than couples or parenting)
2.    Marriage/couples/intimate relation
3.    Parenting
4.    Friends/social life
5.    Work
6.    Education/training
7.    Recreation/fun
8.    Spirituality
9.    Community life
10.Physical self-care (diet/exercise/sleep)
11.The environment (caring for the planet)
12.Aesthetics (art‚ music‚ literature‚ beauty)
If you could choose 5 of these 12 areas to work one‚ which would they be?____________
If you could choose just 3 of the 12‚ which would they be? _______________
If you could choose just 1 of the 12‚ which would it be? ________________

Wilson‚ K. G. & Murrell‚ A. R. (2004). Values work in acceptance and commitment therapy: Setting a course for behavioral treatment. In S. C. Hayes‚ V. M. Follette‚ & M. M. Linehan (Eds.)‚ Mindfulness and acceptance: Expanding the cognitive behavioral tradition (pp. 120-151). New York‚ NY: Guilford Press.

Wilson‚ K.‚ & DuFrene‚ T. (2008). Mindfulness for two: An acceptance and commitment therapy approach to mindfulness in psychotherapy. Oakland‚ CA: New Harbinger.

Wilson‚ K. G.‚ Sandoz‚ E. K.‚ Kitchens‚ J.‚ & Roberts‚ M. E. (2010). The Valued Living Questionnaire: Defining and measuring valued action within a behavioral framework. The Psychological Record‚ 60‚ 249-272.

Wilson & DuFrene‚ (2008); Wilson‚ Sandoz‚ Kitchens‚ & Roberts‚ (2010). Valued Living Questionnaire. In: Simmons C. A.‚ Lehmann P. (eds). Tools for strengths-based assessment and evaluation‚ New York‚ NY: Springer‚ pp. 285-287. (2013). Google Scholar
