School Effectiveness Questionnaire

Detroit Public Schools Research and Evaluation Department. (1990). School Effectiveness Questionnaire, Elementary/ Middle School Edition, 5th Rev. ed. Detroit, MI.

Comments: The School Effectiveness Questionnaire (SEQ) is based on the questionnaire developed by the Connecticut State Education Department to measure school effectiveness. The SEQ has been modified four times. This version of the SEQ has retained five categories from the original questionnaire. Modifications were made based upon the literature on school and instructional effectiveness, items from other school effectiveness questionnaires, and the development of new items specific to the Detroit Public Schools. There is one edition for elementary and middle schools and one edition for high schools.

Categories: The eight effectiveness categories are: school learning climate; clear school mission; instructional leader- ship; high expectations; effective instruction; frequent monitoring of student progress; home-school relations; and rewards and praise.

Definitions: Definitions/descriptions are provided for each of the eight categories.

Data Analysis: For each category, there is an average score as well as the average percentage of positive responses.

School Effectiveness Questionnaire

1. Teachers and parents are aware of the homework policy in this school.
2. A variety of teaching strategies (e.g., lecture, discussion, cooperative/team learning) are used in classrooms.
3. Vandalism or destruction of school property is not a problem.
4. Teachers review and analyze test results to plan instructional program modification.
5. There are few interruptions during class time.
6. The Chapter 1/Article III program curriculum is congruent with the regular school curriculum.
7. Most students are eager and enthusiastic about learning.
8. Students are acknowledged and rewarded for academic improvements and achievements in this school.
9. Teachers believe that they make a difference in improving student achievement.
10. The principal encourages and facilitates staff working together to improve instruction.
11. This school has a strong feeling of, “Let’s get things done.”
12. Students treat each other with respect.
13. There is an active parent group in this school.
14. Students are offered multiple opportunities to practice new skills in group and individual settings.
15. Daily lessons in classrooms typically follow this sequence: student focus on the intended learning, teacher presenta- tion, guided practice, specific feedback, independent work, and evaluation of achievement.
16. Parent-teacher conferences result in specific plans for home-school cooperation aimed at improving student achievement.
17. Staff spend more time communicating with parents about the good things students do than about the bad.
18. Multiple assessment methods are used to assess student progress (e.g., criterion-referenced tests, work samples, and mastery checklists).
19. Students not achieving identified standards are given additional help until standards are achieved.
20. This school’s School Improvement Plan focuses on student learning and achievement as the school’s major respon- sibility.
21. Students receive more praise than criticism.
22. Parents make sure that students complete assigned homework.
23. Special attention is focused on building good continuity across grade levels and programs.
24. Students who achieve identified standards do so regardless of home background.
25. Students receive immediate and specific feedback on homework assignments.
26. Students abide by school rules.
27. The principal uses test results to recommend modifications in classroom instruction.
28. Teachers in this school believe they are responsible for all students mastering basic skills at each grade level.
29. The principal (or other school administrators) makes several formal classroom observations each year.
30. Most homework assigned to students is related to what has already been learned in class.
31. Chapter 1/Article III programs are effective in helping low-achieving students attain reading and mathematics skills.
32. Formal observations by the principal (or other school administrators) are regularly followed by a post-observation conference.
33. The effective teachers in this building receive both praise and recognition from their colleagues.
34. Administrators support teachers in dealing with student discipline matters.
35. This school is a safe and secure place to work.
36. The mission of this school is clearly communicated to staff and parents and serves as a framework for making decisions.

37. Most parents would rate this school as an effective school.
38. The counseling program is effective in modifying student behavior.
39. The principal puts much emphasis on the meaning and use of standardized test results.
40. Students generally believe that school rules are reasonable and appropriate.
41. There are provisions for coordination between teachers in Chapter 1/Article III programs and teachers in regular classrooms.
42. The students in this school are told what objectives they are expected to learn.
43. Generally, discipline is not a problem in this school.
44. Low-achieving students usually answer classroom questions as often as other students.
45. The principal is highly visible throughout the school.
46. During parent teacher conferences, there is a focus on student achievement and basic skills mastery.
47. Students and staff take pride in the school and help keep the building and grounds clean and attractive.
48. Teachers believe that a student’s home background is not the primary factor that determines individual student achievement.
49. As a regular practice, teachers talk with each other about the academic work of students for whom they share responsibility.
50. Parents actively support the learning objectives of this school.
51. The principal frequently communicates to teachers their responsibilities in relation to student achievement.
52. Parents know and reinforce school rules.
53. The principal actively promotes inservice training for staff.
54. The principal is an important instructional resource person.
55. Many parents are involved in home-school support activities.
56. Low-achieving students receive frequent rewards, praise, and/or recognition.
57. There is systematic, regular assessment of students’ basic skills in most classrooms.
58. A positive feeling permeates the school.
59. Students are praised for specific behavior immediately after the behavior occurs.
60. Teachers are encouraged to visit other classrooms to observe the other instructional activities of their colleagues.
61. Teachers provide activities that develop student thinking skills.
62. Students’ academic work is publicly displayed or featured.
63. All staff in this school clearly understood their responsibility for basic skills achievement.
64. Collaborative school planning and decision making are typical at this school.
65. Students receive immediate and specific feedback on classroom work.
66. Discussions with the principal (or other school administrators) often result in improved instructional practices.
67. During instructional time, students are actively engaged in learning tasks most of the time.
68. The principal emphasizes staff development training and teacher skill building.
69. The principal conducts frequent meetings concerning instruction and student achievement.
70. There is an identified set of objectives or skills that all students are expected to master at each grade level.
71. Students are often given the grades A, B, C, D, or E to describe the quality of their work. Suppose your school was “graded” in the same way. What grade would you give your school?
72. Students are often given the grades A, B, C, D, or E to describe the quality of their work. Suppose the Detroit Public Schools were “graded” in the same way. What grade would you give the Detroit Public School system?

Scoring: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Undecided or Does Not Apply, Agree, and Strongly Agree.
