Communication Effectiveness Questionnaire

Viggiano, M. A. (1990). The relationship between the communicator style of the principal and the principal’s effective- ness as a communicator in instructional matters. EdD dissertation New York University.

Comments: This instrument is an adaptation, and refinement, of a questionnaire developed by the University of Washington for the Seattle Schools for use in their effective schools project. The instrument is designed to determine teach- ers’ perceptions of the principal’s effectiveness as a communicator. Communicator effectiveness is the ability of the principal to communicate clearly to teachers about instructional matters.

Sample: The initial sample was composed of 331 teachers and 10 principals.

Reliability: The alpha coefficient for the scale is 0.90.

Validity: A panel of judges, teachers and principals, were used to establish the content validity of the instrument.


DeVito, J. A. (1976). The interpersonal communication book. New York: Harper and Row.

Norton, R. (1983). Communication style: Theory, applications and measures. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Communication Effectiveness Questionnaire

1. My principal provides a clear vision of what our school is all about.
2. My principal conducts formal discussions concerning the improvement of instruction.
3. My principal conducts formal discussions concerning student achievement.
4. Improved instructional practice results from discussion with my principal.
5. My principal provides me with information on current instructional topics.
6. My principal facilitates my participation in staff development opportunities.
7. My principal promotes an ongoing review of instructional materials.
8. My principal uses clearly established criteria for judging my performance in the classroom.
9. My principal provides frequent feedback concerning my classroom performance.
10. My principal is available to address my instructional concerns.

Scoring: A five-point Likert scale ranges from Little or None = 1 to Frequently or Always = 5.
