People In My Life Questionnaire

1. My parents respect my feelings.
2. My parents listen to what I have to say.
3. My parents accept me as I am.
4. My parents understand me.
5. My parents care about me.
6. I trust my parents
7. I can count on my parents to help me when I have a problem.
8. My parents can tell when I am upset about something.
9. I talk to my parents when I am ha‎ving a problem.
10. If my parents know that something is bothering me‚ they ask me about it.
11. I share my thoughts and feelings with my parents.
13. My home is a nice place to live.
14. My parents pay attention to me.
15. My parents don’t understand what I am going through these days.
16. I get upset easily with my parents.
17. I feel angry with my parents.
18. It’s hard for me to talk to my parents.
19. I feel scared in my home.
20. I get along well with my parents
21. My parents are proud of the things I do.
22. My friends respect my feelings.
23. My friends listen to what I have to say.
24. My friends accept me as I am.
25. My friends understand me.
26. My friends care about me.
27. I trust my friends.
28. I can count on my friends to help me when I have a problem.
29. My friends can tell when I am upset about something.
30. I talk to my friends when I am ha‎ving a problem.
31. If my friends know that something is bothering me‚ they ask me about it.
32. I share my thoughts and feelings.
33. I like to be with my friends.
34. My friends pay attention to me.
35. My friends don’t understand what I am going through these days.
36. I get upset easily with my friends.
37. I feel angry with my friends.
38. I feel scared with my friends.
39. It’s hard for me to talk to my friends.
40. I get along well with my friends.
41. My friends are proud of the things I do.
42. I think my friends are a bad influence on me.
43. I wish I had more friends.
44. If one of my friends asked me to skip school‚ I would do it.
45. If I were at a party and one of my friends offered me some beer‚ I would drink it.
46. If a friend asked to copy my test‚ I would let him or her do it.
47. Doing well at school is important to my friends.
48. My parents like and approve of my friends.
49. Most mornings I look forward to going to school.
50. I feel safe at my school.
51. My school is a nice place to be.
52. I like my teacher(s) this year.
53. I like my class(es) this year.
54. My teachers respect my feelings.
55. My teachers understand me.
56. I trust my teachers.
57. My teachers pay a lot of attention to me.
58. I get upset easily with my teachers.
59. I feel angry with my teachers.
60. I get along well with my teachers.
61. It’s hard for me to talk to my teachers.
62. My teachers are proud of the things I do.
63. I like to take part in class discussions and activities.
64. I feel sure about how to do my work at school.
66. Doing well at school is important to me.
67. There is a teacher at my school that I can count on when I have a problem.
68. Kids in my school have a good chance to grow up and be successful.
69. I feel scared at my school.
70. There are a lot of drugs and gangs in my school.
71. My school is a dangerous place to be.
72. My neighborhood is a nice place to live.
73. A lot of people in my neighborhood are friendly and helpful.
74. Kids from my neighborhood have a good chance to grow up and be successful.
75. I feel scared in my neighborhood.
76. Lots of kids in my neighborhood get into trouble.
77. There are a lot of drugs and gangs in my neighborhood.
78. My neighborhood is a dangerous place to live.
Note. Items 12 and 65 were dr‎opped from these analyses and are not included here.
Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA; Armsden & Greenberg‚ 1987)
Social Competence Rating Scale for Children (SCRSC ; Hightower et al.‚ 1986)
Reynolds Child Depression Scale (RCDS; Reynolds‚ 1989 )
Seattle Personality Questionnaire for Children (SPQC; Greenberg and Kusche ‚1990)
This instrument can be found on pages 232-233 of Examining the Importance of Social Relationships and Social Contexts in the Lives of Children With High-Incidence Disabilities‚ available online at:

Christopher Murray‚ Mark T. Greenberg. Examining the Importance of Social Relationships and Social Contexts in the Lives of Children With High-Incidence Disabilities. THE JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION VOL. 39/NO. 4/2006/PP. 220–233.
