Parental Monitoring (Students for Peace)

Parental Monitoring (Students for Peace)
Orpinas‚ P.‚ Murray‚ N.‚ & Kelder‚ S. 1999
 Kelder‚ S. H.‚ Orpinas‚ P.‚ McAlister‚ A.‚ Frankowski‚ R.‚ Parcel‚ G. S.‚ & Friday‚ J. (1996).
1. Do your parents let you come and go as you please? [REVERSE CODING]
2. When you are away from home‚ do your parents know where you are and who you are with?
This instrument can be found on pages 78-79 of Latino Families and Youth: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
1 = Never or almost never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Frequently
5 = Almost Always

Orpinas‚ P.‚ Murray‚ N.‚ & Kelder‚ S. (1999). Parental influences on students’ aggressive behaviors and weapon carrying. Health Education & Behavior‚ 26(6)‚ 774-787

Kelder‚ S. H.‚ Orpinas‚ P.‚ McAlister‚ A.‚ Frankowski‚ R.‚ Parcel‚ G. S.‚ & Friday‚ J. (1996). The students for peace project: A comprehensive violence-prevention program for middle school students. American Journal of Preventive Medicine‚ 12(5)‚ 22-30..
