IPIP Interpersonal Circumplex

IPIP Interpersonal Circumplex
Markey‚ P. M.‚ & Markey‚ C. N. (2009)
1. Am quiet around strangers  
2. Speak softly
3. Tolerate a lot from others                
4. Am interested in people                               
5. Feel comfortable around people                  
6. Demand to be the center of interest            
7. Cut others to pieces             
8. Believe people should fend for themselves
9. Am a very private person                             
10. Let others finish what they are saying
11. Take things as they come
12. Reassure others                   
13. Start conversations   
14. Do most of the talking                                       
15. Contradict others                 
16. Don’t fall for sob-stories                               
17. Don’t talk a lot          
18. Seldom toot my own horn                             
19. Think of others first 
20. Inquire about others’ well-being
21. Talk to a lot of different people at parties
22. Speak loudly
23. Snap at people
24. Don’t put a lot of thought into things
25. Have little to say
26. Dislike being the center of attention
27. Seldom stretch the truth
28. Get along well with others
29. Love large parties
30. Demand attention
31. Have a sharp tongue
32. Am not interested in other people’s problems
The interpersonal circle or interpersonal circumplex is a model for conceptualizing‚ organizing‚ and assessing interpersonal behavior‚ traits‚ and motives (Wiggins‚ 2003).
1=Very inaccurate‚ 2= Moderately inaccurate‚ 3= Neither inaccurate nor accurate‚ 4= Moderately accurate‚ 5= Very accurate
PA (Assured-Dominant): items 6‚ 14‚ 22‚ and 30
BC (Arrogant-Calculating): Items 7‚ 15‚ 23‚ and 31
DE (Cold-Hearted): items 8‚ 16‚ 24‚ and 32
FG (Aloof-Introverted): items 1‚ 9‚ 17‚ and 25
HI (Unassured-Submissive): items 2‚ 10‚ 18‚ and 26
JK (Unassuming-Ingenuous): items 3‚ 11‚ 19‚ and 27
LM (Warm-Agreeable): items 4‚ 12‚ 20‚ and 28
NO (Gregarious-Extraverted): items 5‚ 13‚ 21‚ and 29

Markey‚ P. M.‚ & Markey‚ C. N. (2009). A brief assessment of the interpersonal circumplex: The IPIP-IPC. Assessment‚ 16‚ 352-361.
