Interpersonal communication satisfaction inventory (ICSI)

Interpersonal communication satisfaction inventory (ICSI)
Hecht‚ 1978‚ 2004
1.    The other person let me know that I was communicating effectively.
2.    Nothing was accomplished.
3.    I would like to have another conversation like this one.
4.    The other person genuinely wanted to get to know me.
5.    I was very dissatisfied with the conversation/communication.
6.    I had something new to improve communication.
7.    I felt that during the conversation I was able to present myself as I wanted the other person to view me.
8.    The other person showed that he/she understood what I said.
9.    I was very satisfied with the conversation.
10.The person expressed a lot of interest in what I had to say.
11.I did NOT enjoy the conversation.
12.The other person did NOT provide support for what he/she was saying.
13.I felt I could communicate about anything with the other person.
14.We each got to communicate what we wanted.
15.I felt that we could laugh easily together.
16.The conversation/communication flowed smoothly.
17.The other person changed the topic when his/her feelings were brought into the conversation.
18.The other person frequently said things which added little to the conversation/communication.
19.We talked/communicated about something I was NOT interested in. [The conversation was NOT very interesting or engaging.]
Items 2‚ 5‚ 6‚ 11‚ 12‚ 17‚ 18‚ and 19 should be reverse-coded.
7= Strongly Agree‚ 6=Moderately Agree‚ 5= Slightly Agree‚ 4=Neutral‚ 3=Slightly Disagree‚ 2=Moderately Disagree‚ 1=Strongly Disagree.

Hecht‚ M. (1978). The conceptualization and measurement of interpersonal communication satisfaction. Human Communication Research‚ 4‚ 253-264. doi:10. 1111/ j.1468-2958.1978.tb00614.x

Hecht‚ M. (1978). Toward a conceptualization of communication satisfaction. Quarterly Journal of Speech‚ 64‚ 47-62. doi: 10.1080/00335637809383411

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