Idealistic Distortion Scale

Domain:    Attitudes to Relationships/Marriage

Measure:  ENRICH: Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication, and Happiness- Idealistic Distortion Scale (Olson, Fournier, & Druckman, 1985)


  • 1 = Strongly agree
  • 2 = Moderately agree
  • 3 = Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4 = Moderately disagree
  • 5 = Strongly disagree

Idealistic Distortion

21. We are as well adjusted as any two persons in this world can be.
34. My partner and I understand each other completely.
39. If my partner has any faults, I am not aware of them.
42. My partner completely understands and sympathizes with my every mood.
49. Every new thing I have learned about my partner has pleased me.
54. There are times when I do not feel a great deal of love and affection for my partner.
63. I don’t think any couple could live together with greater harmony than my partner and I.
64. My relationship is not a perfect success.
68. I don’t think anyone could possibly be happier than my partner and I when we are with one another.
70. I have some needs that are not being met by my relationship.
73. There are times when my partner does things that make me unhappy.
77. If every person in the world of the opposite sex had been available and willing to marry me, I could not have made a better choice.
87. My relationship could be happier than it is.
104. I have never regretted my relationship with my partner, not even for a moment.

Source: Tzeng, O. C. S. (1993). Measurement of love and intimate relations. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
