Abbreviated Multidimensional Acculturation Scale (AMAS-ZABB)

Abbreviated Multidimensional Acculturation Scale (AMAS-ZABB)
Zea‚ Asner-Self‚ Birman‚ & Buki‚ 2003
Instructions: Please mark the number from the scale that best corresponds to your answer.
1.    I think of myself as being US American.
2.    I feel good about being US American.
3.    Being US American plays an important part in my life.
4.    I feel that I am part of US-American culture.
5.    I have a strong sense of being US American.
6.    I am proud of being US American.
7.    I think of myself as being (a member of my culture of origin).
8.    I feel good about being (a member of my culture of origin).
9.    Being (a member of my culture of origin) plays an important part in my life.
10.I feel that I am part of culture (culture of origin).
11.I have a strong sense of being (culture of origin).
12.I am proud of being (culture of origin).
How well do you speak English:
13. at school or work
14.with American friends
15.on the phone
16.with strangers general
How well do you understand English:
18. on TV or in movies
19. in newspapers and magazines
20. words in songs
21. in general
How well‚ do you speak your native language:
22. with family
23. with friends from the same country as you
24. on the phone
25. with strangers
26. in general
How well do you understand your native language:
27. on TV or in movies newspapers and magazines
29. words in songs
30. in general
How well do you know:
31.American national heroes
32. popular American TV shows
33. popular American newspapers and magazines
34. popular American actors and actresses
35. American history
36. American political leaders
How well do you know:
37. national heroes from your native culture
38. popular TV shows in your native language
39. popular newspapers and magazines in your native language
40. popular actors and actresses from your native culture
41. history of your native culture
42. political leaders from your native culture
Identity‚ Language Competence‚ and cultural competence.
In Study 1‚ Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from .90 to .97 on the subscales while in Study 2‚ Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from .83 to .97 on the subscales.
Items 1-12: 1=Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree somewhat; 3 =Agree somewhat; 4 = Strongly agree
Items 13-42: 1=Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Pretty well; 4 =Extremely well
Identity (US: items 1-6‚ and origin: items 7-12)‚ Language Competence (ma‎stery of English: items 13-21 and ma‎stery of other native: items: 22-30)‚ and cultural competence (US: items 31-36‚ and origin: items 37-42).
This instrument can be found at:

Zea‚ M. C.‚ Asner-Self‚ K. K.‚ Birman‚ D.‚ & Buki‚ L. P. (2003). The abbreviated multidimensional acculturation scale: Empirical validation with two Latino/Latina samples. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology‚ 9‚ 107–126.

Davis LE and Engel RJ. Measuring Race and Ethnicity. New York‚ NY: Springer 2011.
