Is this value in this range?

This question is used to determine if a given value falls within a specific range. The range can be numerical, such as between 1 and 10, or it could be a range of values such as ‘good’ to ‘excellent’. The answer to the question will be either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, depending on if the given value matches the criteria of the range.

You can use the following formulas to check if certain values exist in a range in Google Sheets:

Method 1: Check if Value is in Range

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH("Value to Find", A1:A16, 0)), "Not Found", "Found")

Method 2: Count Occurrences of Value in Range

=COUNTIF(A2:A16, "Value")

Method 1: Check if Value is in Range

The following screenshot shows how to check whether or not the team name “Suns” is found in a certain range of team names:

Google Sheets check if value exists in range

The team name exists in the range, so the MATCH() function returns “Found.”

Note that we can replace “Found” and “Not Found” with numerical values like 1 and 0 if we’d like:

The value 1 indicates that “Suns” was found in the range of team values.

Method 2: Count Occurrences of Value in Range

We can use the COUNTIF() function to find the number of times that a certain value occurs in a range:

We can see that the team name “Suns” occurs 3 times in the range.
