How to Round to Nearest 25 in Google Sheets?

To round to the nearest 25 in Google Sheets, use the ROUND function. This function takes two parameters; the number you want to round and the multiple to which you want to round. To round to the nearest 25, you would enter 25 as the multiple. The ROUND function will then take your number and round it to the nearest multiple of 25. This is useful for rounding off numbers to simplify calculations or to make them easier to read.

You can use the following formulas to round values to the nearest 25 in Google Sheets:

Formula 1: Round to Nearest 25

=MROUND(A1, 25)

Formula 2: Round Up to Nearest 25

=CEILING(A1, 25)

Formula 3: Round Down to Nearest 25

=FLOOR(A1, 25)

The following examples show how to use each formula in practice.

Example 1: Round to Nearest 25

The following screenshot shows how to use the  function to round each value in column A to the nearest 25:

Google Sheets round to nearest 25

The values in column B represent the values in column A rounded to the nearest 25.

Example 2: Round Up to Nearest 25

The following screenshot shows how to use the function to round each value in column A up to the nearest 25:

The values in column B represent the values in column A rounded up to the nearest 25.

Example 3: Round Down to Nearest 25

The values in column B represent the values in column A rounded down to the nearest 25.
