How to Round to Significant Figures in Excel

Rounding to significant figures in Excel can be done using the ROUND function, which allows you to round a number to a certain number of decimal places. You can also use the ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, MROUND, and FLOOR functions to round to the nearest multiple of a number, round to the next highest or lowest integer, or round down to the nearest multiple of a number.

Often you may want to round a value to a certain number of significant figures in Excel.

You can use the following formula to do so:



  • value: The value that you want to round.
  • figures: The number of significant figures to round to.

Here’s what the formula does in a nutshell:

1. ABS converts the value to a positive value.

2. LOG10 finds the exponent of the value.

3. INT removes the decimal from the value.

4. ROUND then finds the number of significant figures to round to.

The following example shows how to use this formula in practice.

Example: Rounding to Significant Figures in Excel

The following screenshot shows how to round the value 934745 to 1 significant figure:

round to significant figures in excel

We can see that the value 934745 gets rounded to 900000.

Note that we can round to however many significant figures we’d like:
