How to calculate an Exponential Moving Average in Excel

To calculate an exponential moving average (EMA) in Excel, you can first calculate the simple moving average (SMA) of the prices for a given time period. Then subtract the SMA from the most recent price and multiply the difference by a weighting factor (usually 2/(1+periods)). Add this value to the SMA to get the EMA. Repeat this process for each period in the series to get a complete EMA.

In time series analysis, a moving average is simply the average value of a certain number of previous periods.

An exponential moving average is a type of moving average that gives more weight to recent observations, which means it’s able to capture recent trends more quickly.

The following step-by-step example shows how to calculate an exponential moving average in Excel

Step 1: Enter the Data

First, let’s enter the following dataset that shows the total sales made by a company during 10 consecutive sales periods:

Step 2: Calculate the Exponential Moving Average

Next, we’ll calculate the exponential moving average (EMA) using the following formula:

EMV = [Latest Value  - Previous EMA] * (2/n+1) + Previous EMA

In the formula, n represents the number of periods to use to calculate the exponential moving average. This is the one number that you must specify.

For our example, we’ll calculate a 3-day EMA.

First, we’ll enter the EMA value in cell B2 to be equal to the value in cell A2:

Next, we’ll use the following formula to calculate the first value for the 3-day EMA:


The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

exponential moving average in Excel

Column B now shows the 3-day exponential moving average of sales.

To calculate an exponential moving average using a different number of periods, simply change the value in cell E1.

For example, we could calculate the 4-day exponential moving average of sales instead by simply changing the value in cell E1 to 4:

Column B now shows the 4-day exponential moving average of sales.
