Calculate Average If Between Two Values in Excel

To calculate the average of two values in Excel, use the AVERAGE function. This function takes two arguments – the numbers you want to average – and returns the mean of the two numbers. To use this function, input the two numbers in the parenthesis separated by a comma, and the result will be the average of the two.

You can use the following formula to calculate the average of values in a range in Excel only for the values that fall between two specific values:


This particular formula will only calculate the average for the values that fall between 90 and 95 in column B.

The following examples show how to use this formula in practice.

Example 1: Calculate Average If Between Two Values in Excel (Using One Range)

Suppose we have the following dataset that shows the exam scores received by 15 students: 

We can use the following formula to calculate the average exam score only for students who received a score between 90 and 95:


The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

The average exam score only for students who received a score between 90 and 95 is 92.4

We can manually verify that this is correct:

Average Exam Score = (90 + 92 + 92 + 93 + 95) / 5 = 92.4.

Example 2: Calculate Average If Between Two Values in Excel (Using Multiple Ranges)

Suppose we have the following dataset that shows the height (in inches) and points scored by 15 basketball players:


The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

The average points scored for players who are between 70 and 75 inches turns out to be 17.833.

We can manually verify that this is correct:

Average Points Scored = (14 + 14 + 16 + 19 +20 + 24 / 6 = 17.833.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the AVERAGEIFS function .
